Next.js 14 Data Fetching Paradigms: Client vs Server

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5 min readJan 10, 2024


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Next.js 14 Data Fetching Paradigms: Client vs Server

Welcome to the cutting-edge world of web development! In this blog post, we will delve into the exciting realm of data fetching paradigms in Next.js 14, a popular React framework that has been revolutionizing how developers build user interfaces and handle data. With the introduction of server components and enhanced data fetching techniques, Next.js 14 offers developers more flexibility and power in building dynamic, efficient, and scalable web applications.

We will focus on two key data fetching paradigms that are pivotal to modern web development:

  1. Fetching in a Server Component Using a Server Action: This paradigm leverages the server-side capabilities of Next.js to fetch data. We’ll explore how server components can efficiently retrieve data directly from the server, bypassing the need for client-side fetching and thus improving performance and reducing bandwidth usage.
  2. Fetching in a Client Component Using a Server Action in Combination with SWR: In contrast to the first paradigm, this approach involves fetching data in client components. We’ll discuss how to utilize server actions in combination with Stale-While-Revalidate (SWR), a strategy that provides a smooth user experience by immediately showing cached data…




Full-stack web developer and graphics designer.