DesignMakeDo presents: creative collaboration

Damien Gallagher
Published in
2 min readMay 1, 2018

DesignMakeDo returned to London in January this year with a theme very close to our hearts: creative collaboration.

We invited four creative leaders from across disciplines to give us their personal take on collaborating effectively. Why? Because the question we keep asking is, “How do we get this stuff right?”

This is what DesignMakeDo is all about: we bring creative people together and provide a platform for the do-ers — people who get shit done — to get us talking, thinking and creating differently.

January saw us welcome four talented individuals to the stage:

Steve McInerny

Senior Design Manager at FremantleMedia

Steve is an active champion of in-house creativity and brought us his experience and best practice learned while working on off-air creative for big TV programmes such as The X Factor where you have to work with distributed, international teams with a range of sometimes conflicting priorities. My main take-away? Empower everyone to produce ideas and reward those that do.

Steve McInerny

Rich Watkins

Founder Let’s Go and creator of the Collaboration Cards

Let’s face it, his whole life is collaboration which is why he set up as a specialist consultancy. Rich showed us that it’s not always right to collaborate, that you have to reflect on the right approach at every moment and ask yourself who should be involved, when and in what ways.

Richard Watkins

Peter Mandeno

PhD Design Engineering at Imperial College

Peter is currently completing his PhD at Imperial and his research focus is human connectivity with a particular passion around “serendipity”. His question to us: how can we engineer situations or environments that enable people to come together?

Peter Mandeno

Miquel Mora

Design Director at Technicolor Design Office in Paris

Miquel spoke about how his team worked on a new physical tech product that involved collaborating with teams across the world and how they had to work together to overcome time, cultural and language barriers as well as the complexities of designing a physical object when you’re not all sitting together.

Miquel Mora

About DesignMakeDo

DesignMakeDo is a series of creative talks for people in digital/creative to share ideas and get inspired. It’s a celebration of creativity and collaboration across disciplines. It’s a platform for the do-ers: those with passion, initiative and an innate sense of curiosity.

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Interested in speaking? Contact Damien Gallagher on Twitter @damo_design

