100 Days of UI Challenge

Theresa Hans
Published in
2 min readJun 29, 2016
Our team recently moved into an open environment and with that, we are always looking for more ways to collaborate and share ideas.

About a month ago, our team welcomed on our summer intern and we couldn’t be happier to have her with us. Her fresh perspective reminds us to continuously challenge ourselves, shake up our routines, and always be learning new things. (Yasmine you rock!) We now discuss our highs and lows with each other, spend an hour a week doing something that takes our mind off the daily grind, and most recently are participating in a daily UI challenge.

Every day, Yasmine will post the challenge in our team’s slack channel and we all have 24 hours to post our end result. It could be any type of UI assignment from a sign up screen to a home monitoring dashboard. Not only does the challenge force us to think about experiences we don’t normally have to think about in our specific product teams, but it allows us the freedom to dream up new concepts for each day’s prompt. Whether someone is participating in the challenge as a creative outlet, to learn a new program, or simply to keep her skills sharp, it has already been a good way to come together as a team.

Although we are all designers and all sit in the same space, our workloads can still leave us feeling a bit disconnected from each other. We’ve actively been working to build up our team culture and make reasons to come together as one team. The Daily UI challenge is one way to do this. Over the next 100 days we will be sharing ideas, knowledge, and stories with each other about our various UIs.

Follow along as Yasmine throws down the UI gauntlet day after day!

We plan to track our progress here including images of our results as well as what we, as a team, learn from the challenge. You can also see our daily updates on twitter by following the hashtag #designPOK100. Follow along and maybe even challenge your own team to a similar project!


The DesignersatPOK

As always, our challenge submissions, inspirations, and views represent only our own, awesome views!



Theresa Hans

Aspiring beach bum. Lover of all things design, sports, and dog-related.