Onboarding Journey of Headspace iOS App

Dhaval Gandhi
Published in
4 min readAug 30, 2018

We have been sharing many good and bad experiences on Design Practice. Recently, I have installed Headspace for meditation purpose. I was thrilled by the design. I would like to share my experience of Onboarding Journey.

A Bit about Headspace

Headspace is an app which helps you do meditation based on your needs.


When you open an app, you get to see logo on top and nice illustration with the message “Mediation made simple”. You could further see sliders by swiping right and learn more about what’s in for you. You could either create an account or Log In if you already have an account.

I was exploring all value propositions of HEADSPACE app. In second slider, I was able to see well designed illustrator with Focus Areas namely Sleep, Anxiety and Focus and underneath the message “ Focus on what matters to you”. It immediately gives a feeling that I could get personalise solution to focus on my goals. In third slider, It said “Learn in just 10 minutes a day”. So I was clear that I do not have to sit for hours to do mediation and using HEADSPACE app, I could meditate just 10 minutes a day. That’s great! Then it’s Log In using Facebook or Spotify or Signup with email. I was not able to see Log In option hear as old user might see walkthrough and come on this page. He/She has to go back and Log In.

Few Questions to know who you are and your Goals

Once you successfully Rester as a new user, I immediately saw the screen with a nice illustrator and message saying “Before you start, we just have a few questions”. I tapped on “BEGIN” and then it asked “what’s your experience with meditation” with options (i.g. none, a little and a lot) which I could easily choose. I choose “A Little” and immediately I saw further contextual options “Your Session with Start at” and I could choose time I want such as 5 mins or 10 mins. After that It asked me about my purpose of exploring HEADSPACE with various options. I choose one and moved to next slide where It asked about when I want to mediate with nice illustration. I choose “After Waking Up” and then it asked to set up a remainder. That was great! I set up 7 AM and continued my journey.

In last screen, it said “Turn on your notifications …” This was a great example of explaining why we your to turn on notification and gives both option “Enable Now” and “Not Now”. As I have set up an alarm for my daily meditation, I enabled notification and completed the journey. Throughout this I was able to see progress on top and I could see how many questions are left. It has been wonderful experience so far.

User Guide

Once you tap on Explore app you could see User Guide explaining you what’s in each navigation tab namely Home, Discover and Dhaval. Headspace has made User Guide more contextual. You could only see these guide if you are new user and would access user guide for a particular navigation tab only when you go there. For example, when you go to Discover for the first time, you could see a User Guide “Discover something new” with more explanation (Explore the Headspace Library and find new meditations to try) and GOT IT as call to action. It’s definitely well designed user guide.


  1. Well defined walk through helps users to understand what’s in for him or her.
  2. Illustrations with concise content helps users to scan information efficiently.
  3. Know more about users and give them personalised experience. In this case, HEADSPACE asked couple of quick questions to deliver personalised experience.
  4. Concise and contextual user guide can help user to discover app functionalities and features.


  1. HEADSPACE could add Log In option on a last walkthrough slider. So an existing users exploring walk-though would not have to go back to Walkthrough homepage to Log In.

You could explore many more onboarding experiences on Design Practice. Design Practice is a community platform where people can learn Design through good or bad experiences. Explore more on www.designpractice.io



Dhaval Gandhi

UXer from India who is passionate to solve problems through Design thinking.