Boost ROI & Reduce Costs: Automate Business Processes with Proven AI Design Sprint Framework

Martin Backes
24 min readMar 18, 2024
AI Design Sprint: Process Automation Miro Whiteboard
AI Design Sprint: Process Automation

Are you ever frustrated with the slow speed of outdated business processes?

Do repetitive tasks make your workday feel like a monotonous cycle, leaving you feeling exhausted like a hamster on a wheel?

If that’s the case, you’re not alone in this struggle.

Repetitive tasks consume valuable time and resources, leaving little room for innovation and growth.

Picture a solution to break free from this cycle.

Envision a future where AI becomes your collaborative ally, helping you overcome these challenges and enter a realm of improved productivity and exciting innovation.

Introducing AI Design Sprints: Process Automation — a game-changing framework that leverages the power of Artificial Intelligence to turbocharge your business processes and uncover hidden potential.

Forget months of costly development, risky guesswork, and failed experiments.

AI Design Sprints condense months of work into a laser-focused method.

Imagine getting rid of tedious paperwork and manual data crunching, replaced by intelligent AI assistants working tirelessly behind the scenes.

Picture streamlined workflows, boosted productivity, and additional time to focus on what truly matters: growing your business and outperforming your competitors.

So, are you ready to ditch the hamster wheel and step onto the AI Design Sprint rocket ship?

Buckle up, because we’re about to blast off into a future of streamlined workflows, increased productivity, and a whole lot less time spent staring at spreadsheets.

Ready? Let’s do this!

Why Does Process Automation Matter?

An image of an automated process within a business process.
Process automation isn’t just a luxury, it’s a lifeline.

In today’s fast-paced business landscape, process automation isn’t just a luxury, it’s a lifeline.

Imagine your business as a sleek, modern cruise ship, but its engine room is clogged with manual tasks, slowing you down and preventing you from reaching your full potential.

That’s where process automation comes in, acting as the fuel injection system, streamlining those tedious manual tasks and propelling your business forward.

Here’s why process automation matters:

✅ Increased efficiency: Repetitive tasks like data entry, form filling, and scheduling can be automated, freeing up your team’s time and brainpower for higher-level tasks.

✅ Reduced errors: Manual processes are prone to human error, but automation ensures accuracy and consistency.

✅ Improved customer experience: Faster turnaround times, fewer mistakes, and better responsiveness lead to happier customers.

✅ Cost savings: Automating tasks reduces the need for manual labor, saving you money in the long run.

✅ Enhanced scalability: As your business grows, automated processes can easily adapt and handle increased workload.

… and more.

But here’s the secret sauce: AI takes process automation to a whole new level.

While traditional automation simply replaces manual tasks with pre-programmed instructions, AI brings intelligence and flexibility to the table.

Here’s the context you need to understand;

Traditional automation simplified operations by replacing manual tasks with pre-programmed instructions.

It’s a straightforward process where the system follows a set of rules without the ability to adapt to unforeseen circumstances.

Enter AI!

Rather than relying on static instructions, AI-infused automation brings intelligence and flexibility to the forefront.

This means tasks aren’t just executed; they learn and adapt over time.

By adapting to evolving processes, staying ahead of the curve becomes easier.

Where are Businesses Adopting AI-Powered Process Automation?

The CEO of Arago AG and AI pioneer, Hans Christian Boos, believes the potential of AI is vast, stating,

80% of processes in today’s companies can be run by AI with today’s technology. — Hans Christian Boos

This underscores the immense capabilities that AI brings to the table for optimizing business operations.

The possibilities are endless, but here are a few key areas:

✅ Customer service: AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants can handle routine inquiries, freeing up human agents for complex issues.

✅ Marketing and sales: AI can personalize marketing campaigns and automate lead generation, boosting conversion rates.

✅ Human resources: AI can automate tasks like payroll, onboarding, and employee training, saving time and resources.

✅ Finance and accounting: AI can automate data entry, reconciliation, and fraud detection, ensuring accuracy and efficiency.

✅ Operations and logistics: AI can optimize supply chains, manage inventory, and predict maintenance needs, reducing costs and improving delivery times.

The list goes on, and the potential is vast.

With the AI Design Sprint: Process Automation, you can chart your own course towards operational excellence, leaving manual tasks behind and riding the wave of AI innovation.

What is an AI Design Sprint: Process Automation?

In our previous blog article AI Design Sprint: A Collaborative and Hands-On Method to Fast-Track AI Success, we have already introduced the concept of the AI Design Sprint framework in a more general manner.

The AI Design Sprint is a workshop framework inspired by Google Design Sprints which combines Design Thinking, Service Systems Design, and Artificial Intelligence (AI).

A infographic that shows the 5 steps of an AI Design Sprint: Process Automation
Design holistic AI solutions as a team without requiring technical expertise, using the AI Design Sprint.

Below, you will find a more detailed infographic about the process automation AI Design Sprint framework.

It is a structured workshop or problem-solving framework that combines the traditional Design Sprint with AI expertise to help teams identify, prototype, and test AI-powered solutions.

The AI Design Sprint: Process Automation framework is designed specifically to collaboratively develop practical AI solution concepts for enhancing and optimizing operational processes.

It focuses on applying AI to automate work processes within organizations by identifying and automating business processes, even without any technical knowledge.

The main goal of this Sprint is to rapidly ideate, prototype and validate AI-driven solutions that effectively manages the business operations within a short and intensive timeframe.

As businesses evolve to meet demands of the digital age, the AI Design Sprint stands as a strategic roadmap guiding organizations toward a future where process automation becomes a driving force for competitive advantage.

Before Starting the AI Design Sprint, Gather the Right Team

Before starting, it is crucial to assemble the right team, as they play a critical role in the success of AI Design Sprints.

The workshop sessions that involve collaboration require a diverse range of skills and viewpoints.

The ideal AI Design Sprint workshop team
The ideal AI Design Sprint workshop team

Please note: The selection of the team above is just one example among many.

It is advisable to have a team consisting of approximately 4–8 members.

The team should include people like:

➡️ Decision-makers

➡️ Organizational experts

➡️ Individuals with operational-level insights

➡️ Technical managers

➡️ Transformation managers

➡️ Product managers

➡️ Design leads

… etc.

It is crucial to include individuals who have direct involvement or a deep understanding of the processes you want to automate or transform.

The great thing is, you don’t need any technical expertise to take part in the AI Design Sprint.

Along with the participants, there will be an external facilitator and, if needed, a prototyping expert from our team.

This diverse group of participants ensures that the session covers not just technical aspects but also aligns with the strategic goals of the organization.

Where to Start With AI for Process Automation?

If you want to automate business processes with AI, whether you have identified them or not, there are three possible starting points for your process automation project.

Infographic showing 3 possible starting points for your process automation project.
Where to start with AI for process automation?

🔄 Entry Point 1 — AI Opportunity Mapping: The first option is to utilize AI Opportunity Mapping, which involves examining the entire organization to identify processes that can be automated. For example, you may be uncertain about where to begin applying AI. You hold a leading position within the organization and have a holistic view of its operations. Alternatively, this scenario could involve an in-house transformation team seeking to identify the next AI project or perform an AI assessment of the organization.

🔄 Entry Point 2 — Framing: Another starting point is our Framing method, where you focus on a specific department, such as HR, to identify the most valuable process to automate. For example, you are the Head of HR, who is interested in exploring the potential of AI in your department. During the Framing session, we identify the areas where AI can provide the most value.

🔄 Entry Point 3 — Concept Development: Lastly, if the process that needs to be automated is already clear, we can proceed directly to concept development. For example, we have already specified a work process together, or you may have come from the previous phases where you identified the process to be automated. The team can immediately start developing holistic automation solution concepts for the identified processes.

Regardless of your business specifics, there is a tailored and effective method available to seamlessly integrate process automation into your workflows.

In the paragraphs that follow, we will provide a more detailed description of the potential entry points and the general course of the process.

From 0 to Prototype in 2 Weeks

The process automation AI Design Sprint and its associated modules.
The process automation AI Design Sprint and its associated modules.

It is important to have a clear understanding of your business processes and goals to make a proactive decision to adopt AI process automation solutions.

This is the foundation of the comprehensive framework of AI Design Sprint: Process Automation.

It is not just about recognizing opportunities but also considering applications that can be readily put into action.

The main goal of the AI Design Sprint: Process Automation is to identify and focus on 1–2 AI use cases that can significantly improve operational efficiency and effectiveness.

The framework follows a structured schedule consisting of 5 steps:

Step 1: AI Opportunity Mapping
Step 2: Framing
Step 3: Concept Development
Step 4: Technology Check
Step 5: Prototype

Step 1: AI Opportunity Mapping

Where is it most valuable to start implementing AI?

AI Opportunity Mapping focuses on the organization as a whole.

As mentioned earlier, this is one potential entry point, especially if you are uncertain about which department of your organization to start applying AI in.

Opportunity Mapping typically involves identifying areas where AI technologies can be effectively used to automate business processes, thereby addressing problems and generating value.

During this process, our main goal is to identify the transformative abilities from the perspective of the respective departments.

We work together to analyze common departments such as Sales, Marketing, Design, Logistics, Legal, HR, or Production, just to name a few.

It all starts with the question;

“In which department can AI provide opportunities for innovation and, in turn, generate value?”

Let’s examine the process step by step.

Step 1.1: Organization Analysis

This journey starts with a thorough analysis using the organizational diagram method.

Al Opportunity Mapping exercise
Al Opportunity Mapping exercise

The focus is on identifying, describing in detail, and prioritizing pain points for each department.

After mapping out the company’s problems and challenges, the team identifies valuable processes for AI automation.

They prioritize these processes based on their impact and benefits.

During this process, all workshop participants offer their perspectives on the nuances of the problem space.

This helps us understand their pain points and expectations, ensuring that the most crucial areas are addressed first.

Step 1.2: Exploring AI Capabilities with AI Method Cards

Companies often get excited about new technology, hoping for significant impact.

However, they may later realize it doesn’t meet their true needs and falls short of expectations.

The smarter approach is to first understand what is truly needed.

Once you have a clear understanding of that, you can then choose the specific AI technology.

To avoid this common mistake, let us introduce you to the AI Method Cards.

We use these AI method cards in the Sprint to map out AI possibilities and guide participants towards impactful solutions for their business needs.

Think of it as a smart guide that helps navigate through various AI choices in an organized manner.

Essentially, they are like a deck of cards that covers a wide range of use cases, providing a comprehensive overview.

This makes it easy for even non-technical users to understand and explore how to apply AI to their business.

How does it work?

To get an overview of the current state of AI, we organize AI capabilities into 14 parent card categories.

The categories are roughly sorted according to complexity.

The first category “AI finds and organizes information” is rather simple, and “AI controls machines, robots, and vehicles” (green category) is rather complex.

Image showing the AI method cards and its categories
To understand the current state of Al, we categorize Al capabilities into 14 main categories.

Each category is carefully crafted from the user’s perspective, ensuring accessibility and clarity for everyone regardless of their level of expertise.

For each parent card category, we have assigned 4–8 specific AI technologies, which are referred to as child cards.

For each parent card category, we have assigned 4–8 specific Al technologies.
For each parent card category, we have assigned 4–8 specific Al technologies.

The back of each card showcases three examples of how AI can be used.

These examples demonstrate the broad range of applications for this AI technology and confirm its accessibility and current availability.

AI Method cards and their use cases.
AI Method cards and their use cases.

What AI technologies are available for you to explore?

Let’s examine a few examples to help you better understand the concept of AI Cards.

👉 Business need: Optimizing supply chain management

Technology to use: Using “predictive analytics” for price prediction and predicting disruptions like hurricanes and bankruptcies of a carrier.

Example: TransVoyant is a predictive analysis platform for supply chain risk management and visibility utilizing real-time data feeds like satellite imagery, IoT sensors, and social media feeds for preemptive disruptions detection.

👉 Business Need: Improving healthcare diagnostics

Technology to use: Using “medical imaging analysis” powered by AI algorithms to aid in early detection of disease from medical images like X-rays or MRIs.

Example: PathAI is a platform that employs AI to assist pathologists in analyzing pathology slides, leading to more accurate and efficient diagnosis.

👉 Business Need: Streamlining HR Processes

Technology to Use: Implement “applicant tracking system” with AI capabilities to automate resume screening and identify the most suitable candidates.

Example: Greenhouse is an HR platform that uses AI to analyze resumes, helping companies streamline their hiring processes and identify top talent more efficiently.

These examples showcase how AI cards can be used to address specific business needs. This hands-on approach transforms into an interesting journey.

Note: In AI Opportunity Mapping, AI Cards are the key functional units that help us establish the foundation for finding appropriate AI solutions. These cards are also used during the Framing and Concept Development session.

Step 1.3: Match AI Cards with Organizational Diagram

Once we have gained a solid understanding of AI capabilities and conducted a comprehensive analysis of the challenges faced by different departments, it is time to pinpoint specific areas within the company that are best suited for AI solutions.

The team matches the AI Cards individually with their corresponding capabilities in the organizational diagram.

They can be placed wherever you think is appropriate and explain how you would use them in that specific location.

Match AI Cards with your organizational diagram

All subsequent steps have a single purpose: prioritization.

Step 1.4: Evaluate Departments/Tasks and Sketch

In this step, our focus is on identifying the processes that would bring the most value through automation using AI, taking into account the quantity and potential impact of the AI Category Cards that have been placed.

We simply evaluate all departments or the respective tasks that appear to be the most promising.

We also want to provide a rough description and visualization of how we intend to use artificial intelligence for process automation.

Step 1.5: Viability

This part of the process includes evaluating the financial benefits of each AI opportunity, considering factors such as time savings, return on investment, and quality improvements.

Additionally, we consider the overall impact of each opportunity on the company’s business, including its pain points, core business, and future plans.

Finally, we assess the technical complexity of each opportunity and weigh this against its potential impact.

Please note: this estimation exercise is only meant to provide a rough orientation.

Step 1.6: Decide

In this final step, you decide which department you want to focus on for creating AI solutions.

In terms of your business’s organization, you have identified AI opportunities and categorized them based on their value levels.

Additionally, you have defined the most valuable AI opportunities for specific departments.

Step 2: Framing

Which work processes are most valuable to apply AI and develop concepts?

The Framing session focuses on a specific department from the organization.

As previously mentioned, this is the second possible entry point.

The starting point could be a department, which has been mapped out in Step 1 (AI Opportunity Mapping), or you could be the department head who is interested in exploring the potential of AI in that specific department.

The objective of this Framing session is to identify the key processes in a specific department for applying AI.

In practice, the process of framing involves detailed assessments, consultations with relevant stakeholders, and a thorough analysis of the department’s workflows.

Later, in the Concept Development session, we will develop specific AI concepts for these identified processes.

Let’s look at the process one step at a time.

Step 2.1: Department Mapping

During the opportunity mapping phase, we took a broad perspective of the entire situation. Now, we can delve into the specifics and get more detailed.

We begin with the previously identified or requested department, such as Sales, Marketing, Design, Logistics, Legal, HR, or any other relevant department.

Department Mapping exercise.
Department Mapping exercise.

As a team, we create a map of the entire department and describe each process to gain a comprehensive understanding of the tasks performed.

Step 2.2 Department Analysis

In this step, our focus shifts to identifying and prioritizing pain points, along with all the processes that are most valuable to apply AI to.

Participants simply identify the pain points for the department by describing and marking them.

We will also indicate and provide a description if AI is already being used within this department.

This step highlights the strengths and positive aspects of all operations, providing a holistic view of key functions and identifying where significant value is created.

In this way, we can make sure that the most important areas are tackled first and optimize the overall efficiency of the organization.

Step 2.3: Exploring AI Capabilities with AI Method Cards

Please note that there is no need to introduce the AI Method Cards again if you have already done so in the AI Opportunity Mapping phase.

If so, we can proceed to the next step. If not, please refer to the AI Opportunity Mapping, where we have already explained the AI Method Cards.

Step 2.4: Match AI Cards with Department Diagram

Once the capabilities of AI are fully understood and the challenges faced by a department are thoroughly analyzed, it is important to identify the specific areas where AI solutions are most suitable.

The team categorizes the AI Cards based on their corresponding capabilities in the department diagram, strategically placing them where they are deemed appropriate.

Match AI Cards with department diagram exercise.

It’s also important to explain how each AI Card will be used for a specific location or process.

In summary, we have reviewed all the different categories of AI and aligned them with the overall map and its processes.

Step 2.5: Decide

In this last step, the decision is made by leaping towards setting focus areas.

We determine which processes in the department have the greatest potential for creating AI solutions.

We ask questions like:

Where have you identified problems?

Where have you found numerous opportunities to apply AI?

Which processes do you find interesting?

Where does AI have the greatest impact?

Once we have identified the most relevant processes for your organization’s goals, we can proceed directly to the Concept Development session.

Step 3: Concept Development

What will the selected AI process automation look like?

The Concept Development session focuses on work processes for transformation.

This is the third potential starting point for your AI process automation project.

Either we have already specified the process together, or you may have come from previous phases (AI Opportunity Mapping or Framing) where you identified the process to be automated.

This step involves transforming high-level objectives and opportunities identified during previous steps into a more detailed work process.

The ultimate objective is to develop 1 or 2 AI solution concepts that generate value in your target area.

Let’s break down the process into individual steps.

Step 3.1: Identify and Map Key Steps of the Process

We begin by storyboarding.

A storyboard for process automation is a diagram that clearly illustrates each step of the process.

When creating a storyboard, it is important to have a clear understanding of the story you want to convey.

This can be achieved by breaking down the process or narrative into approximately 8 steps.

Identify and map key steps of the process.
Identify and map key steps of the process.

We basically sketch each process step to illustrate the interaction and describe the actions performed by a person at that step, as well as any involvement of intelligent software.

Additionally, we specify the intent behind each step.

Full storyboard example.

The main goal is to create a detailed storyboard that includes all process steps that can be partly or fully automated using AI. This includes interactions performed by either a person or software.

This storyboard will serve as the basis to develop concepts for AI solutions.

Step 3.2: Process Analysis

In this step, we identify and prioritize pain points and valuable steps for applying AI.

Participants describe and mark the pain points for the process steps.

Identify and prioritize pain points and valuable steps for applying AI.

This highlights strengths and positive aspects of operations, providing a comprehensive view of key functions and identifying areas of value, helping us prioritize important steps and improve efficiency.

Step 3.3: Exploring AI Capabilities with AI Method Cards

Please keep in mind that it is unnecessary to reintroduce the AI Method Cards if you have already done so during the AI Opportunity Mapping or Framing phase.

If you have already covered this topic, we can move on to the next step. If not, please refer back to the AI Opportunity Mapping section, where we have already provided an explanation of the AI Method Cards.

Step 3.4: Match AI Cards with Storyboard Process

Once you have a complete understanding of the capabilities of AI and have thoroughly analyzed the challenges you face, it is important to identify the specific process areas where AI solutions are most appropriate.

The goal is to enhance the work process using AI.

The team adds the AI Cards based on their corresponding capabilities to the process step, strategically placing them where they are deemed suitable.

Additionally, it is important to provide an explanation of how each AI technology will be used to improve the work process.

Step 3.5: Prioritize and Decide

In this step, your team will decide which processes to prioritize for creating AI solutions.

We achieve this by prioritizing the three most promising AI technologies for transforming your process and selecting the two key processes we want to focus on.

We also consider pain points and value creation opportunities to determine what has the most impact.

Step 3.6: Ethics Check

AI poses ethical challenges in various areas such as human rights, discrimination, surveillance, transparency, privacy, security, freedom of expression, right to work, and access to public services.

Therefore, it is important to evaluate the ethical implications of any AI solution we develop.

To assist participants in considering ethical aspects, we utilize AI Ethics Cards in the workshop.

Think of it as a helpful guide that assists in navigating various AI challenges in a structured manner.

Essentially, they are like a deck of cards that address a wide range of ethical topics, offering a comprehensive overview.

How does it work?

AI Ethics Cards are the outcome of research on ethical public discourse and the identification of topics.

To provide an overview of the current state of ethical concerns regarding AI, we categorize these topics into 18 categories.

All AI Ethics Cards.

Each card includes both the main topic and a corresponding description.

3 AI Ethics Card examples.

These examples demonstrate the broad range of ethical concerns related to AI, making these topics more accessible even to those without much prior knowledge.

As part of the workshop, we will consider how ethical aspects can impact our AI process solution.

For your concept, we will place the most relevant cards in their most appropriate positions and provide a description of both the best and worst scenarios for this AI Ethics Card.

The goal is to identify any drawbacks or limitations in your solution, so that we can ensure the best possible outcome.

Note: Here, the decision is ethically checked and is made by the stakeholders.

Step 3.7: Exploring Data Source Cards for Assessment

In this step, the focus is on evaluating our redesigned process.

We assess the AI solution from three perspectives based on Design Thinking:

⚙️ technical feasibility

👥 value for the user

📈 value for the organization

We will begin with what are known as Data Sources Cards.

How does it work?

Data is essential for AI.

To help participants explore data sources, even without technical knowledge, we use Data Sources Cards during the workshop.

The Data Sources Cards consist of various data sources that serve as a starting point for the team to consider for their process automation project.

To give an overview of potential data sources for AI, we offer more than 60 options, and additional ones can also be included.

Data Sources Cards.

During this process, we make sure to identify the necessary data for our processes.

In the next step, we will specify and prioritize this data in greater detail.

This is also where we will make a preliminary assessment of the technical feasibility and the potential cost savings or value that the solution can bring to our company.

Step 3.8: Exploring Resources and Roles Cards for Assessment

To thoroughly evaluate an AI solution, it is important to develop a business case.

This involves analyzing the potential benefits and assessing the costs.

By evaluating the “benefit” and “cost” aspects, we can understand the value of the AI solution and make informed implementation decisions.

As a starting point, we need to examine the necessary resources and roles required to implement your AI solution within your organization.

How does that work?

During the workshop, we utilize Resources and Roles Cards to assist participants in exploring the essential resources and roles.

These cards include a range of resources and roles that serve as a starting point for the team to contemplate for their process automation project.

For an overview of possible data sources for AI, we provide over 30 options, and there is also the possibility of including additional ones.

Resources and Roles Cards.

During this process, we ensure that we identify the required resources and roles for our processes.

As the final step, we evaluate the financial aspect and identify where your solution offers benefits compared to the costs.

When assessing the benefits, consider the following:

❓ How much time is saved?

❓ What is the return on investment?

❓ How much is the increase in quality?

Please note that the estimations provided here are rough.

And that’s it.

By the end of the collaborative workshop, you will have created 1 or 2 AI product solution concepts that effectively add value in your target area.

You will have successfully identified crucial AI tasks, incorporated them into a logical and value-driven workflow, and named the final process.

Additionally, you will have gained a comprehensive understanding of the required data and conducted thorough ethics checks for your use cases.

What happens after the workshop you may ask?

To assess the feasibility of the ideas, we suggest conducting structured interviews with subject matter experts (SMEs), either by you or our experts.

Additionally, we can create an implementation roadmap and develop a prototype as a proof of concept.

This prototype can be tested with real users, either as a web application or a similar solution.

Let us show you how.

Step 4: Tech Check

How feasible is the AI solution concept and its implementation?

The technology check focuses on the AI solutions developed.

After finalizing the AI solutions in the concept development session, we move towards the tech check where the focus shifts to the nuts and bolts of bringing the conceptualized AI solutions to life.

Other than the initial stages, the technical check requires a certain level of expertise that AI professionals can provide.

What does an AI expert do?

AI Design Sprint tech check: How it works and what does the Al expert do.

The role of an AI expert, typically a full-stack data science engineer specializing in AI, is diverse and crucial as it connects the worlds of creativity and practicality.

In order to ensure that AI solutions have a meaningful impact and can be implemented successfully, they carry out the following tasks:

Structure SME interviews: The AI expert arranges and guides discussions with Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) from the team. Together, they identify the environment, infrastructure, and important data sources by extracting valuable information from the interviews and establish a foundation for informed decision-making.

Technical evaluation: An AI expert checks the technical feasibility of the suggested AI solutions and ensures their alignment with practical implementation. In order to thoroughly evaluate the approaches, existing AI methods and algorithms are reviewed to enable successful execution of the AI system.

Evaluation outcome and roadmap: Once the AI solution has been successfully validated, the next step involves creating a clear roadmap for the solution. This roadmap should be shared with the team to enable the design of a prototype in the subsequent step.

An AI expert must have a holistic understanding of both the big picture and technical details.

To excel in this field, one needs a diverse skill set that includes proficiency in full-stack data science, tech infrastructure, and the latest AI methods.

This multifaceted skill set guarantees comprehensive knowledge in various domains, enabling the expert to navigate the complexities of conceptualization and technical implementation.

Step 5: Rapid Prototyping

How can we test and refine the AI solution?

Technical prototyping focuses on hands-on testing and refinement.

We do this in 7 days.

Rapid prototyping for AI Design Sprints.

Phase 1: Design (2 days)

In the initial phase of AI prototyping, we create a sort of AI Minimum Viable Product (MVP) concept by analyzing the main problem in the given use case. This includes breaking down the problem into smaller parts, matching them with AI technology, and evaluating user and business values. The result of this phase is a complete map and definition of the identified problem areas. At the same time, we define the customer requirements. Moving forward to Day 2, we concentrate on fine-tuning the specifications and creating a detailed plan for its implementation.

Phase 2: Build (5 days)

After the design phase, we build the prototype through a structured process. This process includes exploratory data analysis, selecting essential features, validating the model, and deploying it. The results are organized and visualized for better explainability and transparency. The end result is a functional web app with dynamic features and comprehensible metrics.

Phase 3: User Testing (1 day)

If necessary, we can conduct user tests. Unlike regular Design Sprints, these tests typically involve your own employees as users. We aim to understand how actual users respond to the new solution or process. At the end of the testing phase, we will analyze a variety of feedback and metrics to identify areas for improvement, if necessary. With a tested and tangible solution, along with a satisfied team, we conclude this productive journey.

What comes next?

Now, with the insights gained, you can proceed to develop and implement the actual process into your process chain.

Outcomes of an AI Design Sprint: Process Automation

At the end of the collaborative process, you will uncover and recognize the potential of Artificial Intelligence for your business.

You will be provided with a set of valuable outcomes that will serve as a comprehensive guide for effectively incorporating AI.

Let’s summarize the possible results you can expect.

1. AI Solution Concepts: You will have developed 1 or 2 AI solution concepts with a detailed plan aimed at generating substantial value in the targeted area.

2. Workflow Integration: Identifying key concepts is just the beginning. We have implemented the AI tasks into a logical, value-driven workflow. This optimally aligns with your organizational goals and specific process requirements.

3. Product Naming: Naming is about creating a unique identity. This strategic decision focuses on choosing a memorable name that resonates with your team and stakeholders.

4. Data overview: By laying the foundation for effective AI implementation, we delve into the specifics of necessary data and ensure that AI initiatives are grounded in reliable information.

5. Ethic Checks: To make sure that your technological advancements are not just cutting-edge but also socially responsible, we align AI solutions with industry guidelines and organizational values.

6. Technical Feasibility Check: This check ensures successful implementation by reducing risks and maximizing potential outcomes. It verifies that your AI concepts align with practical realities and ensures that the path you choose is technically feasible for successful execution.

7. AI Project Roadmap: By providing a clear path forward, the roadmap ensures that the implementation journey is strategic, well-coordinated and focused on achieving your organizational goals.

8. Technical Prototype Development: It’s about transforming ideas into reality in just 7 days. It ensures that the momentum generated in the workshop translates rapidly into tangible and impactful results.


This blog post has unveiled the exciting world of AI Design Sprints: Process Automation, a powerful framework to turbocharge your business and outpace competitors.

Imagine a future where AI becomes your partner, automating tedious processes and freeing you to focus on what truly matters.

The AI Design Sprint: Process Automation is your rocket ship to that future!

Forget months of development and guesswork.

This laser-focused method condenses time and effort, transforming tedious manual tasks into intelligent AI assistants.

Imagine the possibilities:

✅ Increased efficiency: Free your team from data entry, scheduling, and more.

✅ Reduced errors: Eliminate human mistakes for accuracy and consistency.

✅ Happy customers: Faster turnaround times and fewer errors lead to satisfied customers.

✅ Cost savings: Automate tasks to reduce labor costs and scale effectively.

And the best part? You don’t need technical expertise.

The AI Design Sprint guides you through the process.

But AI takes it a step further.

Traditional automation simply follows instructions, while AI brings intelligence and adaptability. It learns and evolves, making your processes future-proof.

Ready to blast off? Here’s your action plan:

1. Identify bottlenecks: What manual tasks are draining your time and resources?

2. Assemble your team: Gather diverse perspectives, from decision-makers to operational experts.

3. Choose your entry point: Start with a holistic view (AI Opportunity Mapping), focus on a specific department (Framing), or jump into concept development if you already know your target process.

4. Join the AI Design Sprint: Work collaboratively to develop AI solutions tailored to your needs.

5. Get your prototype: See your vision come to life in just 7 days.

Don’t wait!

Ditch the hamster wheel and step onto the AI Design Sprint rocket ship.

Get in Touch

Please feel free to reach out to us to learn more about the AI Design Sprint: Process Automation and how it can assist you in achieving your goals.

Additionally, we offer a demo called the AI Design Sprint Experience Session, which you can try without any obligations.

If you have any questions or inquiries, please do not hesitate to send us a message at your convenience.

You could also check out our webpage and learn more about our tools and methods by following the link:

This blog article first appeared on the Design Sprints Studio Blog.



Martin Backes

I help businesses improve meetings, enhance team collaboration, streamline decision-making, reduce risk in ideas, accelerate innovation, and enhance products.