How to Inspire Your Team to Embrace Workshops: 7 Simple Steps

Martin Backes
7 min readOct 30, 2023
How to Inspire Your Team to Embrace Workshops: 7 Simple Steps

Imagine this: you have a great idea for a workshop that could help your team improve their productivity and creativity.

But when you pitch the idea to your manager, they’re hesitant.

They’re worried about the time commitment and the potential for disruption to the team’s workflow.

What do you do? Is it time to quit up and revert to the old ways of doing things?

Or hold a workshop anyhow, without paying much heed to participants’ feedback?

Getting your team on board for a workshop is just as crucial as the workshop itself.

It doesn’t matter how brilliant an idea you have if you can’t sell it to your team. The workshop’s momentum and goals will suffer if you have to deal with doubters and disruptive participants.

According to Lorman, 74% of workers are open to retraining or learning new skills to increase their marketability and employability.

If you make your team see why workshops are so important, they’ll be more open to the idea of holding one, especially as it also offers numerous benefits for them.

In this article, we will share 7 simple steps on how to effectively inspire your team to embrace workshops, even if they are initially not enthusiastic.

Let’s dive in!

1. Learn About Workshops and Their Benefits for All Participants

Have you ever worked in a team that felt uncomfortable with each other and either avoided conflicts or used indirect ways to express their frustrations, both of which made it difficult to complete daily tasks?

Yes? That won’t happen, though; because this is exactly what a structured way of working, also known as a workshop, aims to prevent.

You should be able to give anyone who asks, an “elevator pitch” about a workshop and its benefits in less than a minute.

Don’t fret, we have all the information you need. A helpful starting point is our article, What is a Workshop? or A Comprehensive Guide to Workshop Facilitation.

These resources will give you a solid understanding of what a workshop entails and how it can benefit both the team and the overall business.

Make sure to communicate to others what they can expect to learn from attending the workshop and emphasize how it will have a positive impact on the team’s performance and the success of the business as a whole.

2. Gradually Introduce Workshops Into the Working Culture

Gradually Introduce Workshops Into the Working Culture
Gradually Introduce Workshops Into the Working Culture

Avoid overwhelming your team by rushing into the room and listing all the latest workshop methods you want to introduce.

Many people struggle to adjust to new situations, especially if they have been doing things the same way for a long time. Diving right into a new innovation effort is a guaranteed way to encounter resistance.

When you bring a new strategy into an existing organization, it’s better to introduce it slowly and smoothly to avoid causing unnecessary worry.

Let your team know that you will be trying a more structured meeting style, and then gradually guide them towards using the workshop method by showing them the benefits of this approach.

Remember that your team is crucial to the success of your project, and gaining support from within will allow you to move forward with more ambitious plans.

3. Start Workshopping on a Small Scale

Start Workshopping on a Small Scale

The “all or nothing” mentality has no place in the genesis of a workshop culture in an organization. We all know it will be challenging to secure approval for a week-long course from the get-go.

You should take baby steps and go cheap at first. Start with a project of manageable size, and then put what you learn into practice.

Do something simple to ease the team into the process. Be the person who takes notes while others talk, and help guide the conversation by introducing workshop techniques like timeboxed exercises or “together alone” brainstorming.

Even if your company is enthusiastically supporting your innovation efforts, it’s always wise to take baby steps at first.

There’s less of a chance of losing money, more room for trying out new ideas, and less stress when managing a smaller staff.

Once you’ve mastered the techniques and know how to put them to use, you can scale up significantly and enjoy the results.

4. Reframe the Way You Present the Workshop Offer

Teams are often hesitant to participate in workshops due to the time commitment involved.

Instead of making it sound like a major inconvenience that will disrupt your entire plan, frame it as an opportunity to save time, energy, and money.

Assure your team that workshops help them make all the necessary decisions in just one day or maybe even within hours.

Instead of prolonging the decision-making process for weeks and frequently interrupting team members with meetings, all important details are discussed and agreed upon, allowing the team to focus on execution.

No one enjoys squandering their time and effort, so if your company has never held workshops before, you’ll need to change the language you use to describe them.

5. Let the Team Know What to Expect

Let the Workshop Team Know What to Expect
Let the Workshop Team Know What to Expect

Workshops shouldn’t be portrayed as the magic bullet that will revolutionize your organization. That’s obviously not true.

If your team knows what’s in store for them, they’ll be more at ease, which will lead to a more productive session.

Workshops are NOT a complete procedure change for the entire company, so be sure your staff knows that. Instead, they provide a structured framework that can be utilized to address any issues that may arise.

As a result, your staff will be less anxious and more open to participating in workshops.

6. Carry Them Along in the Process

We’re pretty sure your team members usually have a lot of thoughts running through their minds while a meeting is going on.

They might worry about whether or not it’s the right time to speak, or worry if what they’re about to say is right or wrong.

They might even have an opinion on another person’s comment, but might be scared of being talked over.

This doesn’t give room for maximum productivity, as there are still many unspoken things that need to be discussed, which might even lead to the team’s major breakthrough.

However, you can reassure them that they won’t have to worry about these thoughts in workshops, as everyone is encouraged to share their opinion.

Clearly communicate that the meeting is transforming into a workshop to enhance participation and efficiency. Inform them that you won’t impose your solution on them, but will instead support them in using their own knowledge and experience.

All they have to do is provide their expertise and follow a structured process, which will take care of all the heavy lifting for them.

7. Celebrate the Small Team Collaboration Wins

Celebrate the Small Team Collaboration Wins
Celebrate the Small Team Collaboration Wins

The fact that you’re trying something different and encouraging everyone to step out of their comfort zones is worth celebrating. The importance of acknowledging and bringing people together to explore new ideas cannot be emphasized enough.

In many workplaces, it is often the case that a lot of work gets done but people who deserve credit are not properly acknowledged. Achieving milestones is a big deal, and everyone involved should be recognized.

You should take a step back after each short session to review what you’ve accomplished as a team, where you’re headed next, and how everyone can feel proud of their contributions.

As a result, everyone involved feels resolved and ready to give this approach another shot.

If you’ve made some headway, it’s important to recognize it. So make sure you have something to celebrate at each step of the way!


If you’re all set to try out workshops with your team but they’re not so keen, don’t worry!

You’ve got a great idea, but if your team doesn’t see the point, it’s like having a cool toy that no one wants to play with.

So, before you dive in, ensure that they understand why workshops are the secret to a more productive and engaged team.

Getting them excited is just as important as doing the workshop itself.

Remember, you don’t have to do this alone. Start small, explain things well, and celebrate the little successes. With a bit of teamwork, you’ll have your team excited about workshops in no time!

Get in Touch

If you are interested in learning more about our comprehensive workshop methodology and how it can be tailored to suit the specific needs of your business, please do not hesitate to contact us.

We will be delighted to provide you with detailed information and expert guidance at every step of the workshopping process, ensuring that you achieve optimal results and maximize the value of your investment.

You could also check out our webpage and learn more about our tools and methods by following the link:

This blog article first appeared on the Design Sprints Studio Blog.



Martin Backes

I help businesses improve meetings, enhance team collaboration, streamline decision-making, reduce risk in ideas, accelerate innovation, and enhance products.