Final Reflection

Yaohui Zhang
Published in
1 min readDec 12, 2021

It’s very happy I took this course in this semester. I think I learn a lot about critical thinking, human behaviors and I have a better understanding of design thinking concepts. Especially for human behaviors, our team project is about solving the food waste problem. We designed an app that can remind people what food they left in the fridge and remind them about the expire dates. Our goal is to let our audience reduce food waste by using our apps. And eventually they may reduce food waste consciously. During the design progress, I interviewed some people and the interesting thing is they do know wasting food is very bad but few of them would take any actions because recycling food is not convenient or if the food taste bad, they would just throw them aways. I think for human behaviors, people always consider themself first, something that would be useful to them, somethings that can solve their problems, not something good for the environment or climate change. So we designed an app that can have Tamagotchi function instead of Tamagotchi.

I think this course would be really helpful for my future because I learned what people would do or what people would behave. This is really important for designing a project. If you design a project that cannot improve people’s life. People would not use them. At last, I think I want to explore more on observing or making interviews so I can learn more about human behaviors. Human behaviors are very interesting.

