The Ultimate Guide to UX Design — 2022 Edition

Nick Lawrence
15 min readMay 23, 2022


How to design modern, effective, and satisfying user experiences from the ground up.

Warning: this is a long one

This manual is a little on the long side so if you don’t have time to read the whole thing in one sitting, it’s no worries. Just bookmark it so that you can come back to it whenever works best for you.


Modern UX is in many ways a very different animal from the UX of yore. Now I’ve been designing since Flash (yes, the dead Flash) was still owned by Macromedia, so I know a thing or two about UX and how it works.

Today, I’m going to be giving you a crash course in modern UX in a field manual that you can use both for reference and for practical application on how to design modern, effective, and satisfying user experiences from the ground up.

About this manual

This manual is a distillation of over 12 years of experience in the design industry which I sincerely hope will serve you well. It is a living document, and it will be updated as trends change.

This manual will be broken down into two parts: theory and practice.

We will start with UX theory for background, then move into practical applications, and finish…

