Harsha Prakash
Published in
4 min readMay 25, 2019

I bet you might have found the term “cloud computing’’ quite alien….something to do only with professionals belonging to the IT industry.

Well, let me tell you a secret.

You have been using cloud computing all your life!

Don’t believe me? Okay, I’ll tell you how.

Have you used web based mail services like Gmail, Yahoo! etc ?

Unless you’re living under a rock, I’m sure you have!

Have you stored your precious selfies on google drive?

There you go! That is cloud computing for you.

So what exactly is cloud computing?

According to amazon web services (AWS), one of the most popular cloud service providers,

Cloud computing is the on-demand delivery of compute power, database, storage, applications, and other IT resources via the internet with pay-as-you-go pricing.

Let me explain that to you with an example.

Suppose you’re on a week long tour. You want to commute from one place to another. What would you do ? Would you use the car rental services to move around or would you buy a car then and there?

The former seems to be a more practical alternative right?

Cloud computing services operate along the same lines.

Just that, in this case, you’re renting computer services.

Why is cloud computing called cloud computing?

Cloud is a metaphor for the internet.

Much like how a cluster of molecules encompass a cloud, cloud computing comprises of a cluster of computers that work together to provide various services (storage, processing and applications) over the internet, that are beyond the capacity of your personal device.

What does the cloud do?

The cloud lets you rent resources, run services and store data over the internet without having to buy or install these resources on your local device.

For example, if you want storage space beyond the volume that the hard disk in your computer holds, you can rent storage space on cloud. Google drive is an example of cloud storage.

Similarly, if you want greater processing power than what your computer offers, you can access it over cloud while using the same device.

All you need to do is to subscribe to the required services for the required amount of time and bam! you’re all set!

Service models

Cloud computing offers various service models namely

  • Software as a service (SAAS)
  • Platform as a service (PAAS)
  • Infrastructure as a service (IAAS)

How does it benefit me?

It isn’t simply that a lot of organizations are switching to cloud computing over the years. Cloud computing has proven to be beneficial in multiple ways.

  • Cost

Renting services over the internet is far more cheaper than owning them.

Let’s take the rent-a-car example.

When you’re using a rent-a-car service you are spending comparatively lesser amount than what you’d spend buying a car.

In addition to that, you don’t need to bother about the servicing and maintenance. You simply return the car after use.

Similarly, when you rent services over the internet, it exempts you from spending money on the hardware and software, setting up of servers, infrastructure and maintenance.

  • Scalability

One of the major advantages of cloud computing is scalability.

Cloud computing tailors its services based on needs. This makes sure that you are paying for only what you need and there is no wastage of resources.

For example, you want to host a website. In the absence of cloud, you’d have to set up a large number of in-house servers and make sure there are enough servers for the site to work smoothly during peak traffic hours. However, when the traffic goes down, these servers are idle, leading to wastage of valuable resources.

When you host your website on cloud, the cloud aligns its services in accordance to the fluctuating traffic hence ensuring that there is no wastage of resources.

  • Mobility

With cloud, you can take your work home, or anywhere you want actually!

Cloud computing enables you to access your data and applications across devices and geographical locations.

Services like google docs ensure that you can pick up from where you left, regardless of the device. All you need is an internet connection.

  • Collaboration

Cloud computing also facilitates better communication and collaboration, facilitating employees from various geographical locations to co-ordinate and have access to the same files.

  • Disaster Recovery

Cloud computing ensures that your data isn’t lost in the face of a disaster, power outages or theft as they are strongly backed up over the internet, thereby making it extremely reliable and secure.

  • Automatic Updates

Cloud services are updated automatically to the latest version ensuring speed and efficiency in performance. This lets you be worry-free and enables you to focus purely on your business goals.

Cloud computing has proved to have an upper-hand over in-house servers for the above mentioned reasons. Switching to cloud services for your business is definitely a major thrust in the right direction.

