How to evoke emotions through your branding using colors

Zenia Rodrigues
Published in
3 min readMay 24, 2022

Ever noticed how colors can make us feel happy or sad, and they can make us feel hungry or relaxed. These reactions are rooted in biological conditioning and cultural imprinting. Let’s take a look at some of the effects colors can have on how you feel.

Warm colors

(Red, orange, and yellow)
Warm colors often evoke feelings of happiness, optimism, and energy. However, yellow, red, and orange can also have an attention-grabbing effect and signal danger or make you take action (stop signs and barrier tape).

Cool colors

(Green, blue, and purple)
Cool colors are usually calming and soothing but can also express sadness. Purple is often used to help spark creativity as it’s a mixture of blue (calm) and red (intense).

Happy colors

(Yellow, orange, pink, red, peach, light pink, or lilac)
These colors can also have an uplifting effect on your mood. The brighter and lighter the color is, the more happy and optimistic it will make you feel.

Sad colors

(Grey, blue, green, brown, beige, black, or white)
Grey is the quintessential sad color, but dark and muted cool colors like blue, green, or neutrals like brown or beige can have a similar effect on feelings depending on how they’re used.

Calming colors

(Blue and green)
Pastel colors and particularly cool-toned pastels like baby blue, lilac, and mint have a calming and relaxing effect. Neutrals like white, beige, and grey can also make you feel calm. The fewer colors you combine and the more simple a design is, the more calming it will feel.

Energizing colors

(Vibrant colors)
Bright colors and neon colors can have a powerful effect on emotions. Colors like bright red, bright yellow, and neon green can feel energizing. These colors stand out from their surroundings. Highly pigmented colors like royal blue, turquoise, magenta, and emerald green can also make you feel refreshed and energized.

Now that you know how colors and emotions are connected, you can choose colors accordingly and get the results you’re looking for.

