Use of Psychology in Web Design

Zenia Rodrigues
Published in
4 min readMar 17, 2021

In this time when the rate of digitalization is skyrocketing, websites must stand out, draw attention and make visitors keep coming back for more.

How you can achieve this is by tapping into your visitors’ psyche, knowing how your target audience thinks and what they want for them to do what you want.

A good web design is not one that just looks good, it’s much more than that. It has more to do with how the visitors feel when they scroll through your website and the impression that your brand creates. It’s important to know how people naturally grasp information for you to offer them a favorable experience on your website.

Every choice that you make, from the color scheme, font, graphics has a great impact on the experience of the visitor. These elements need to state the purpose of the site clearly, for the audience to connect and convert.

For a long time, designers have been studying how psychology can be used to influence your visitors. Here are a few things that you can keep in mind:

  1. Colour

Colour can hugely impact a person’s mood. Different colors bring out different emotions and triggers in people.

2. Typography

Optimizing the typography of your website also optimizes its accessibility. Too many fonts on the same page tend to look too chaotic and fight for attention.

  • Using fewer fonts not just helps you build trust but also makes it easier for people to read and understand.
  • Make sure that each letter is distinguishable from one and another.
  • Avoid using text in all caps.
  • Avoid using text in colors like green and red.
  • Avoid using blinking text for business content.

3. Content

While structuring the content the first section needs to contain the main idea and the last section to have a call-to-action.

Another thing to keep in mind is that people like it when they are directly addressed, hence using words such as “you” will help you engage your visitor with the content.

Discussing the interests of your audience will help you connect with your audience and give them a positive and friendly feeling towards your brand.

4. Space

Similar to typography, a crowded webpage can look chaotic and unappealing to the viewers. Now, that doesn’t mean you put less content out there in terms of information or design. The organization of the contents ultimately affects how visitors feel about your website.

“White space” is the areas in which there is no content hence doesn’t demand attention is. White space plays an important role in the aesthetics of web design because it visually gives a resting place for the visitor.

5. Shapes

Shapes are used in web design as a way of representing various attributes based on what the human brain associates it with.

6. Understanding patterns

Designers have found that there is a particular pattern that our eyes follow on a screen. This is called the “Z- pattern”.

Hence most important information or the call-to-action should be placed on the top left, middle, and bottom right of the webpage.

The best way to make use of this effect is to place hot deals in the very beginning. Whether free delivery or a free trial, shout it out to your viewers right at the top.

7. Emphasis

While designing, you sometimes want your visitors’ attention to be drawn to one particular spot even if there are other elements around it. This is called the Von Restorff Effect. It works best to showcase the best-selling deals.


How your audience reacts to your website has less to do with luck and more with psychology. That’s good news because now you can use these psychological tricks to get across your message clearly and get your visitors to do what you want.

