Why should you become a self-taught programmer?

Joyston Da Silva
Published in
2 min readNov 7, 2022

You must have heard of Bill Gates, Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, Jack Dorsey, and other visionaries. These are some of the top programmers and tech enthusiasts who are widely known for their exemplary work. But have you ever thought about what made them so successful in the world of programming? Their efforts and years of dedication and not just a college degree or particular course or professional certification. It is because they decided to follow the path of self-taught programming along with years of hard work, patience, and motivation that lead them to a successful direction.

Is a degree really required for success? And what do you mean by Self Taught?

Most of us think we need a college degree or a professional degree in order to be successful in life.

Okay, let’s make it clear here. Being a Self- Taught programmer doesn’t mean not going to any school or do not follow any instructor. But it simply means that when you don’t wait for someone to take the initiative to teach you and get ready to stand out the programming skills by any means, whether it be a training course, books, videos, discussion, etc. If you do so, you are definitely on the right track to being a Self- Taught programmer. The journey of being Self -Taught doesn’t take a few weeks or months. It takes years of hard work, dedication, and growth and requires much patience. However, this hard work gets paid off with lots of benefits.

Here are some of the benefits:

  • Self- Taught programming helps you to become an expert in problem-solving, that is Building Logic and becoming a Problem Solver.
  • Because you figured it out on your own, it helps you understand how things work better.
  • In this process, you get to learn and experience various things which you may not find in any school or course.
  • Apart from coding, it helps you to develop other related skills as well as explore topics you are interested in and develop more vital study skills.
  • One of the main advantages of self-taught is that students can take control of their own learning. And when students have control, they are more motivated to learn.

