Day 39: Getting Settled, Part 2 of Many

It’s the “normal” days that pack the most punch.

Malik Turley
Desire Path
3 min readSep 29, 2022


Day 39 was intensely “normal.” A normal morning routine, a work-related shift in plans for Bill, a class, a coffee date, teaching, meeting, a walk, and then bed. That it was so normal speaks volumes.

We’ve been in the Awesome Flat for almost a week now and got to take our first shower here yesterday morning. It’s like we live here now.

We moved here thanks to Bill’s job, and he’s been getting acclimated to his new team and clients. Yesterday, even though his calendar was blocked for class, he got pulled into a meeting that meant he needed to stay home. It’s like he’s an integral part of the team now.

I hustled out of the house solo and made it to the bus stop in time to catch the 19 into Russafa, and I scored the seat at the very front of the bus (a single-seat spot). I fiddled with my phone and took a photo of the processionary busses (a lot of the routes have multiple busses on them at various points, something that seems funny to me). I didn’t watch the announcement screen until we crossed the Turia. It’s like I know where I am now.

I ended up early for class so popped over to a cafe around the corner, ordered a Cafe Americano at the counter and then chose an outdoor table. I studied Spanish while I sipped my coffee, then paid in cash and headed off to class. All in español and without floundering. It’s like I know the routines now.

Class was good, we got swag, and a classmate invited me out for coffee afterwards. We had a lovely time (back at the same cafe because I’m a creature of habit) comparing notes on our moves (she’s been here 2 months to my 1) and getting to know each other. It’s like I have friends here now.

I got home in time to get through some emails and to-dos before teaching my Wednesday class (one of my favorite workshops, Yoga for Anxiety) from The Yoga Room (aka 2nd bedroom/guest bedroom), then slid into an afternevening of meetings. It’s like I work here now.

My last on-screen thing for the day was zooming with Lizzie. I gave her a tour of the Awesome Flat and then we tucked into a normal sister-friend hang. It’s like I still have my Lizzie even though I live here now.

The day ended with a walk down to the water with Bill. He’d been inside all day and I missed (after just over 24 hours) the water. We sat on the low wall at the edge of the beach. There were bats in the sky, stars and planets to see, and the deeply soothing sounds of the waves to keep us company. (Video: Beach Night) We weren’t the only ones enjoying the beach at night. There were people fishing, a dude dancing to music only he could here, a foursome of friends sitting in beach chairs, people strolling along the boardwalk with and without dogs, a few runners, some bikers, and us. We walked around for a bit and then headed back home.

It’s like this is home now.



Malik Turley
Desire Path

I love exploring the creative process, whatever the medium, and digging deep to untangle how to get better at whatever I’m working on at the moment.