Day 45: Finishing and Beginning

Malik Turley
Desire Path
Published in
1 min readOct 4, 2022


How fitting that on the eve of Yom Kippur we got our Padrón.

High Holidays are different this year, here in a new country without a Jewish community with which to celebrate/observe. The turn of a new year held extra meaning and, as I prepare to visit the water for my first tashlich away from Lake Michigan, so does Yom Kippur.

I said a lot of goodbyes this spring and summer. I tied up a lot of loose ends. I got rid of a lot of material things. I likely messed up a lot along the way.

I am sorry.

I’m sorry for whatever pain I’ve caused this year. I’m sorry for whatever harm I’ve done with my actions or inaction. I’m sorry for not focusing outward more.

More importantly, I am going into this holiday with the intention of doing better and different moving forward.

Alongside all of that, I am so very glad to be here and, after months and months of bureaucratic shenanigans, to officially live here. I know, given how it feels here, that I am better equipped to do better from this side of the world than I’ve ever been before.

Two official residents of Valencia, at your service.



Malik Turley
Desire Path

I love exploring the creative process, whatever the medium, and digging deep to untangle how to get better at whatever I’m working on at the moment.