Day 55: Doing “Weekend” Right

The glory of 2 days off in a row

Malik Turley
Desire Path
3 min readOct 15, 2022


Having a proper weekend, one where there are two non-working days in a row, is a new thing for me and is all thanks to moving to Spain. I have had Saturdays off since converting to Judaism (I’m not sure how that has been almost 20 years but here we are) and observing Shabbat. For about 16 of those years I’ve worked 6-day weeks, Sunday — Friday, and got very good at squeezing all the “off” time activities into that one free day each week. Shabbat starts early for me, now, by Chicago time zone standards, which made the two-day weekend a possibility.

Two days off, in a row, feels like I get a mini-vacation every. single. week. What a glorious thing!

Yesterday I…

…saw the sun rise and marveled in how different, and beautiful, it is each day.

Will I ever tire of this view?

…went on a bus adventure out to Ikea with a friend. My second trip for those of you keeping track. The first trip was back on Day 12:

Two busses, one friend, three glass containers (yes, I got more than that)

…escorted Mitzie to her first visit at our new (and wonderful) veterinarian. It’s a short walk away and they were full of love for our sweet girl.

Thank goodness Mitzie likes the vet and that they love her!

…got a haircut from Bill.

Before & After

…zoomed with Lizzie, a new and beloved part of my Friday routine.

…visited friends as a double-date and saw our first house (vs apartment) in the city.


It was a full and fulfilling day in Spain. And the mini-vacation continued today (but more on that tomorrow).



Malik Turley
Desire Path

I love exploring the creative process, whatever the medium, and digging deep to untangle how to get better at whatever I’m working on at the moment.