Day 60: Nos Mudamos

Now, On To Living

Malik Turley
Desire Path
3 min readOct 20, 2022


I’m loving how normal our normal days are here.


Nuestro* breakfasts are still muy Estadounidense (juevos, pan, fruit, y café), pero we’ve taken to eating them on the terrace, by (citronella) candlelight since we’re consistently eating before dawn. Every so often Bill turns too many cosas on at the same time en la cocina and we lose power (but unlike the Hobbit House we a) know the cause and b) have access to the fuse box).

It’s more challenging to write on the internet when the lack of power makes for a lack of internet.

Bill walks Mitzie, yo escribo. We both get ready for el dia, and twice a semana we catch the autobus a la clase de español.

On our way…to complete sentences!


We no longer trabajamos through comida, instead taking it out to the terrace. Some dias nos comemos juntos, whenever reuniones don’t get in the way. Our dias de trabajar are of varying lengths and start and end at different times each dia, and sometimes our days consist of errands as well. All normal stuff, and all with the Awesome Flat as home base.


Given our odd work schedules, our evenings start anywhere from 19:00–22:00 which is fine here since dinner at 22:00 is totally normal. We vacillate between tres, quiza quatro, choices for what to do with our evenings: Stay en la casa, go out on foot, via el autobus o metro, or do something with nuestro amigos. Last night we had dinner on the terrace and then opted for el autobus. We went to a The Artist’s Bar, somewhere I’d been to once and was nuevo to Bill and had a lovely time sitting in the corner, sipping our cocktails (that’s a Manhattan in my glass, by the way), and enjoying each others company.

Un día normal, made mejor by being aquí. As one of my students said ayer, even if the day is a crappy one, at the end of it you’re still in España.

*All the Spanish used in this post is from my brain vs a translation app. I’m sure I’ve gotten some things wrong and that’s fine. I’m learning, and am working on using the words I know when they come up in conversation to both get used to the vocabulary and to being wrong/sounding silly. It’s all part of going all-in on the move.



Malik Turley
Desire Path

I love exploring the creative process, whatever the medium, and digging deep to untangle how to get better at whatever I’m working on at the moment.