Some Examples of Phrases to Use in an SMS to Seduce a Woman.

Desi Soch
Published in
11 min readApr 12, 2019

Have you ever felt the anguish of the blank page? Not to know at all what kind of message to send to this girl to be able to seduce her. And suddenly, you never saw it again.

Image © DesiSoch.Com

Yet you thought the hard part was done. You had managed to approach him, to interest him and to take his number. But then, impossible to maintain the attraction to make him want to go further with you.

Never mind, today we offer you some examples of what you can write to a woman to finally get the first appointment. You will find at the end of the article some examples of funny text messages and SMS of funny flirting or the romantic texting that you missed!

Stop writing anything to him and texting without interest

This is the main concern of guys with texting: as you do not know what to write to him, you send him anything.

And especially uninteresting messages that will annoy and move away from you.

Small booster: we avoid platitudes. This is really the most important thing when you communicate by text with it.

Before pressing the green button, always ask yourself if what you have written to him will make him smile for the next few minutes or make him want to start the conversation.

If this is not the case, it’s time to be creative and review your copy.

Here is the list of messages you should really forget as soon as possible:

  • “ Where are you? “
  • “ What are you doing? “
  • “ How are you? “
  • “ You had a good day? “
  • “ What's expected? “
  • “ You sleep? “

Rather than blindly advancing and planting yourself, we’ll help you set up your text messaging strategy based on the relationship you already have with this girl.

To begin, remember your goal when sending a text message to a woman.

Your goal is to develop an interest in you and make him want to see you again.

And avoid the fatal mistake.

That of launching you into a true text marathon that will not get you anywhere. And you will end up drunk her.

Let’s try to see how the different stages of the seduction process. And to imagine the messages that will help you to move to the next step.

It’s up to you to position yourself and see where you are to target the kind of SMS you need to send to him.

Step 1: you just met her and you send her your first SMS

First rule: you must be fun.

You have just returned in his life. You must make her laugh and make her have a good time. Give him a smile every time you write to him.

To make sure you never get bored, we’ll ask you to do a special exercise.

You will put yourself in the shoes of the most beautiful woman you know.

As you know, the most beautiful women are overworked and every day, or every hour, she receives breaking waves of SMS in bursts from guys who seek by all means to get his attention.

Except that they often go wrong and fall into the trap of platitudes. The ones we asked you to avoid at all costs in the list above.

What would you do for him? It’s simple, after a while you stop answering.

How to be fun during the first SMS? Here are some examples!

Example 1: Raise the suspense

You: “ No, but it’s not soon finished yes? Are you going to stop?

She: “ What are you talking about?

You: “ Well, you have to stop thinking about me all the time! It distracts me! As a result, I am not efficient, my client will fire me and you will have nothing to Christmas! Not even a fillet of oranges.

Why does it work?

Because you arouse your curiosity and you instill a tension between you.

If you send him a boring SMS like “ how are you?” You do not bring him anything interesting. She will take a look and resume her business, thinking that she will answer you later.

And she may forget.

While there, you play with his emotions.

In the first message, you raise the voltage. She will say to herself: “What is he talking about? what did I do?

And in the second, you drop this tension with fun and humor. You have a good chance to give him a smile and score points.

Example 2: Invite her to project with you

You: “ Well, it’s to see a little if you have good taste. Imagine I’m taking you to the Rolling Stones concert. How would you come dressed?

She: “ blah

You: “ And to go to the stadium to encourage OM?

Why does it work?

Because it’s a great way to create comfort.

You are a guy she just met. She does not really know who you are or what you really want.

To reassure her, you must tell her about yourself and your world. And the best way to do it is to offer him an imaginary immersion in your world.

Give her a taste of what she might know about you.

Example 3: tickle his curiosity

You: “ It’s the week of Brazil in Marseille! So, it made me think of you!

She: “ But why?

To you to invent the continuation. Anyway, it does not really matter! The discussion is launched now.

Why does it work?

Because she will wonder how in your mind you could have made a link between her and the week of Brazil in Marseille.

Whatever your answer, she will answer you that you have seen right on her and you will score points.

Either she will answer you that you are completely beside the plate and this will be the opportunity to bounce on something fun.

In any case, you are a winner.

Step 2: You must raise the temperature between you

Let’s summarize the situation.

Now you have a real relationship of complicity with her.

But you have to play with his emotional state to make him want to see you again. To make her feel seduced.

And she does not imagine you as a friend to talk about the weather, its menu and the program that passes on M6 with Cristina Cordula.

Do you want to erect an anti- friendzone shield?

So, forget the logic and put the package on the emotions.

Example 1: What if …?

You: «What if we went on the adventure you and me?

She: “ OK. Where do we go?

You: “ Come on, we’re going to live on a ranch in Texas. I imagine you already hair in the wind, riding without saddle in the high plains. In Cowgirl mode!

Why does it work?

Because you put in place a role play that will allow him to get out of his reality and have fun.

Because you only mention positive topics related to sweetness and well-being. You talk to him about travel or vacation.

You put her in a position to talk about the things she dreams about and you allow her to let go at a lower cost by playing a character. Enjoy!

Example 2: Show him clearly that you want to seduce her

The flirtation is your best weapon.

You: “ No, but we will not start to text to say nothing! I already feel like a couple. Stop a little. It’s going too fast for me! I am not an easy man!

You: “ Well, you were really naughty with me today! You will not see the color of my underpants!

Why does it work?

Because you reverse the roles. You tell him she is the one who is flirting with you.

How to seduce a girl over SMS © DesiSoch.Com

You position yourself as the prize and you invite him to invest more emotionally to get closer to you.

You are now a challenge for her.

Step 3: It’s time to wrap up and see her again

Example 1: Do you know a girl who … ??

You: “ Well, I ‘ll have a look at the bar x to taste the cocktails! would you know a girl with red pumps and a retro pinup bag with lots of cherries on it to try this intoxicating experience with me? “ (Use details about her that you noticed the first time you saw)

Why does it work?

Because it’s a fun way to invite him to see you again.

Because you show him that you were sensitive to his charm when you first met and you tell him what you found remarkable and what you liked at home.

Example 2: End this face-to-face conversation

You: “This is the kind of conversation that should end up around a glass of good wine you and me. Red or white? Tomorrow or Wednesday?

Why does it work?

Because this is the kind of message to use to get things done. Often, you feel receptive and feel that you like him, but you can not make a proposal for an appointment.

With this message, you raise the suspense around your conversation, you maintain the mystery and you have a ready opportunity to propose an appointment.

Example 3: I make you share my lifestyle

You: “ Good tomorrow, it’s Wednesday, it’s the day of the Champions League. By cons Thursday is sushi. So knowing you, I think there are chances that you prefer Thursday! “

Why does it work?

Because you create comfort by getting closer to her.

You show him that you are a busy man and that you have multiple activities. But you also tell him that you want to share them with her.

And in addition, you reveal to him your little habits, which will allow him to project with you.

Some examples of bonus SMS

It’s classic. It’s seen and reviewed.

But it still works.

And that’s what interests you.

To sexualize the conversation

  • “I bet I kiss better than you! Everyone says it! “
  • “Thong or tanga? Red or Black?

Why does it work?

Because women are players and they love challenges.

If you like him, the game will give him the opportunity to let go. Did she kiss you? “ Yeah, I was not going to let him win the bet.

To reassure her

Before your appointment :

“By the way, I completely forgot to tell you … It’s really charming that way you laugh. You have a nose that becomes all pink and that moves in all directions. “

Why does it work?

Because you show him that you have noticed at home those little things that others do not see.

You, you prove to him that you are sensitive to the small details that make the woman that she is.

After your appointment :

“I really had the best time of my week with you. Do not think too much about me until our next appointment. I know you’re wriggling with a fierce impatience, but you risk feeling really frustrated by the wait. “

Why does it work?

Because often, we do not really know what the other thinks after an appointment. So if that’s the case, tell him you had a good time.

This will reassure her and show her that she can really begin to get involved emotionally with you.

Example of funny dredge SMS

As I told you, humor is the base seduction, and it’s always good to send a funny text to girls.

I propose this little SMS of funny trick:

“I’m a brave guy you know … But I respect the will of parity. So here I take the first step for this SMS, I hope you will take the first step to kiss me.

An SMS that I recommend for the daring guys, who are ready to pounce on the girl’s probably shit test.

You can also send this SMS of light dredge:

“If we have the time to like our photos on Instagram, we have time to send SMS of drag too, right? “

This one is also for the guys a little funambulist. You can change the wording, they are not text messages to copy and paste.

My favorite cute text level remains this one:

“Admit that you smiled when you received this text message! » (You can add the smiley of your choice)

Examples of SMS humor (other texts to make her smile)

Remember that your goal with texting is emotion. And the positive emotion so much to do. That’s why these humor text messages go very well!

“I do not know if I should start this conversation with a compliment, or just flirt with you directly. Or say “hello,” maybe. What do you think? “

Or :

“I’d like to see the last Star Wars. I tell you that in case you’re looking for an idea for our first date … “

But the most effective SMS in my opinion, it could be this one:

“I’m single if you ever asked yourself …”

Once again, you see the wording of these drag texts, and you adapt it. There is no absolute truth.

Romantic SMS

Here are some examples of romantic texting, but not too much either!

“My dog ​​wanted you to know that I miss you. “
Following ten seconds later by: “ It is not he who wrote the previous text message if ever you wondered … “

“Guess what emoji I put next to your name in my phone? “

“I just finished a book, I know you’ll like it. Do you want to go take it? “

“I love to flirt with you on the phone … The only worry is that I do not feel your smell when I lean on it. It smells like kebab … “

All these texts are meant to be a little cute and funny at the same time. Too many compliments, too much love will kill women’s attraction for you. Always balance the things you send by text message.

And we end with the classic: SMS good night!

Examples of good night SMS

To send a text message to wish goodnight to the girls is a great classic of the drag by SMS.

The idea behind this romantic texting: that you are the last person she thinks about before sleeping.

“I tell you right now, in my dreams …”

This one is frankly ass-cul, it’s a textbook to book for the most romantic girls.

Even more fun in the register of the guy who adds and makes tons to seduce by SMS:

“I tried to count all your qualities and there are so many that I’m falling asleep thinking about you. Good night… “

More down to earth but devilishly effective:

“I loved spending this day with you. See you tomorrow at… “

It’s cute without exaggeration, it’s a very good example of good night texting!

We end up with a text of good night Good Morning, half-cute:

“To squeeze my second pillow is not so hot as having you against me. In addition, my pillow does not laugh at my jokes … “


As always, these examples are not to be used by copying word for word.

It’s just a canvas.

In any case, no girl will react in the same way and you will be able to bounce your conversations in different directions.

Most importantly, you understand the concepts and strategies behind it:

  • Arouse your curiosity if these are the first messages you send him
  • Make him want to see you again if you feel that you have made a connection with her
  • Make a proposal for an appointment when you feel it is receptive

In this article, I have given you examples of messages that work for me.

Because they are messages that correspond to my style: humor, exaggeration, an intellectual style, and a particular phrasing.

I seduce using words and vocabulary that we do not use much. From the first drag of the class what.

If you do it and it is not consistent with your usual interactions, she will feel that something is not natural.

So, stay consistent with yourself.

Keep the concepts, but adapt the ideas.



Desi Soch

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