Why do we remain in destructive relationships?

Desi Soch
Published in
2 min readFeb 8, 2018

A balanced and mature relationship that allows us to grow and develop as people as well as feel loved and supported is really enriching for any of us. However, if in the couple there are physical, emotional and psychological aggressions, if our self-esteem is undermined and we feel undervalued or undervalued at all times, we are facing a destructive relationship that can destroy us as people.

Although many times who is immersed in one of these relationships is aware of it, does not break the relationship, but continues in it or, if it breaks, with your next partner will establish the same destructive dynamics. What is the reason for this behavior? Why do we remain in destructive relationships ?

Dysfunctional families

Normally this occurs in people who have grown up in dysfunctional homes , where abuses were common among family members, abuses that were seen as normal. They grow accustomed to this pattern and with the idea that abuse or mistreatment is a necessary or inherent component of relationships.

With low self-esteem

On the other hand, these people believe that they can not be loved by anyone, so they accept being loved regardless of how they are treated, because they do not think they deserve anything better.

With the course of the relationship, their self-esteem is undermined more and more, so they end up believing that they will never find anyone else to love them, because they have nothing to be loved for, with the fear of not being beloved ones or being alone, or of not being worth anything without the other, remain in the relationship.

It is not a matter of genres

Both men and women can be immersed in these relationships. In the first case, violence by women is more psychological , while if the aggressive part of the couple is male violence is more physical .

This article is merely informative, in PsicoBlog we do not have the faculty to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your case in particular.

If you want to read more articles similar to Why do we remain in destructive relationships? , we recommend that you enter in our category of Sentimental Relationships.



Desi Soch

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