3000+ Makers & One Launch Date — This is May1stReboot!

Tobias van Schneider
Desk of van Schneider
3 min readMay 1, 2016

by Tobias van Schneider

My personal goal has always been to help designers & makers launch their website or personal portfolio. There is nothing more motivating for me to see other people launching something they have been working on for a while. It inspires me to work harder and ship things myself.

But over the years I learned that many of us love to procrastinate, myself included. We might have an idea, but we rarely find the time to execute it. Especially when it’s our own website there is no deadline, because we are our own client.

So why not have one universal deadline for everyone? What if the community of designers & makers could come together once a year to finally finish & launch the things we’ve wanted to do yesterday?

This is what #May1Reboot is about!

May 1st Reboot is an international relaunch of websites and portfolios by designers, developers & makers around the world.

Every year, on May 1st something magical happens. Thousands of designers relaunch or update their website at the same time. One global deadline for all of us, one we can stick to.

May 1st Reboot is for the love of design, for the passion of play and commitment to our community.

And today is the day! It’s May 1st and thousands of websites are being relaunched at exactly the same time. I love the feeling of getting shit done, and today I feel like hundreds & thousands of people did just that.

I’m excited to share with you our new May1stReboot website. A showcase of all the websites that rebooted today, on May 1st.

I like to thank all these thousands of designers & makers for sticking with the challenge. Without you May1stReboot would be nothing. You’re the ones that we celebrate the most today, you made it happen!

I also like to thank the Semplice & Your Majesty team for organizing & hosting the #May1Reboot. This is only the beginning, because next year, there will be a new May 1st Reboot and it will be even better.

PS: In case you also launched today, make sure to submit your website on www.may1reboot.com until May 3rd so we can feature you on the website.

We all started a movement, so let’s keep it going for next year.

Yours truly,

Tobias is a Designer & Maker + Co-Founder of Semplice, a new portfolio platform for designers. Also host of the show NTMY — Previously Art Director & Design Lead at Spotify & Board of Directors AIGA New York.

