Build a strong Sales Pipeline with Deskera Sales

Nidhi Mahana
Deskera Engineering


The sales pipeline is an essential feature of any CRM system. The primary purpose of a sales pipeline is to help the sales team to close more deals. Sales Pipeline has proved to be the most effective tool to organize the information required to follow up on open opportunities and close the deals. Here in this article, I have explained the Sales Pipeline, its importance, and how you can build a very effective sales pipeline with Deskera Sales.

What is a Sales Pipeline?

A sales pipeline is a visual representation of all the deals or sales opportunities by stages. To understand more about the Sales pipeline, let us find out how the sales process works. Each sales representative has a list of deals or opportunities which they are trying to close. Each deal is at different stage example- prospecting, qualifying, negotiating, etc. Every salesperson maintains this list of all prospects with stages, action items, deal amount, etc. Sales Pipeline in a CRM system helps you to organize and view all these deals in one place by the stages so that information doesn’t get lost.

What are the different stages of a Sales Pipeline?

Sales Pipeline stages vary from company to company depending on products and services offered by them and also by the sales process defined by their management. Following are some most commonly used sales pipeline stages:

  1. Prospect
  2. Qualify
  3. Contact
  4. Proposal
  5. Negotiate
  6. Close

Why is Sales Pipeline so crucial for your business?

Sales Pipeline is very important for any business as it helps sales staff to identify and organize those actions or activities which are required to convert a prospect into a customer. It also helps management and sales staff to forecast the revenue by duration and stages.

How to build an effective Sales Pipeline with Deskera Sales?

Deskera Sales enables users to configure the sales pipeline as per their company sales process. Users can create multiple sales pipelines. An intuitive user interface allows users to drag and drop deals to update the deal stage.

Configure pipeline stages

Deskera Sales allows you to create multiple pipelines and configure each pipeline as per your company requirements. For example — users can create multiple sales pipelines as per locations, types of products or services, deal revenue amounts, etc. as the process of sales conversion may vary depending on the business requirement and processes.

Create a new pipeline in Deskera Sales

Easy drag-and-drop navigation

Deskera Sales allows you to easily modify the deal stage by dragging and dropping a deal into any pipeline stage. You can also create activities against the deal and mark deal as won and lost with a single click from the sales pipeline.

Sales Pipeline in Deskera Sales

Track deals on the go

Deskera Mobile app enables you to access the details of your deals on the go. You can create activities, update the deal stage with a single click. This easy access to all the deal information allows you to close more deals.

Deskera Mobile Application

Visit our website to learn more about Deskera Sales.



Nidhi Mahana
Deskera Engineering

Hi! My name is Nidhi. I am a wife, blogger, mom of 2 beautiful girls and Product Manager @ Deskera