
Shashank Dixit
Deskera Engineering
Sent as a


1 min readApr 27, 2020

We have existed as a tech company for over a decade. Over these years we have sent out many newsletters — both printed ones and the soft ones that we send over email. Most, if not all, were for marketing. Obviously.

You know, to tell you about our products. We are now taking this a step further to talk about how our products were made. You can thanks covid for this.

Here are some good reads if you are interested in that sort of stuff.

Real time Notifications using Kafka

Sachin talks about his beloved Kafka in this article and how it makes any sense. To us it doesn't but I had to craft this email just to send him that message.

Building scalable, provider agnostic email service

Majwar talks about writing an email service. We are yet to test his ideas.

and lastly, Ashutosh talks about Webhooks. Something he learned furiously over the course of last 5 days.

We’ll be writing more so let us know if there’s something specific you’d want us to write about.

Till then,

Deskera Engineering Team

