Move your business online during COVID-19 lockdown with Deskera Web and Mobile App

Nidhi Mahana
Deskera Engineering
4 min readMay 5, 2020
Photo by Mike Petrucci on Unsplash

The COVID-19 lockdown is a challenging time for everyone, especially for small businesses that are dependent on store sales. These businesses are barely surviving during this lockdown period as they do not have the necessary tools to sell their products online. This epidemic has also highlighted the importance of online sales and marketing. Some of the business experts are claiming that the COVID-19 epidemic will completely change the way business is done today.

Governments around the world have also introduced so many support schemes and programs encouraging businesses to move online and invest in online products. For example — the Infocomm Media Development Authority (“IMDA”) and Enterprise Singapore (ESG) announced a grant for remote working solutions that come bundled with laptops. This will further help businesses digitalize to cope with the challenges of the COVID-19 situation. Click here to find out more.

Move Your Business Online

All businesses must move online to survive this lockdown period. This digitalization will also help them in the long term as they will have more business opportunities with online sales. Here I have listed some tools to digitalize your business:


COVID-19 epidemic has increased the number of people online, and the amount of time they are spending online using their mobile devices and laptops. A website is an essential avenue for an online presence as people can visit your website to know about your products and services. Always design a mobile-friendly website as people may access your site using both laptops/desktops and mobile devices.


Many small scale retailers are struggling to reach the customers during this epidemic as they do not have any e-commerce presence. Due to which, even if they have customer demand for their products, their business has come to a standstill. With an e-commerce platform, you can sell your products and services across the world. Also, it is more convenient for your customers to purchase products or services online from their home at any time.

Accounting Solution

Steady cash flow management is the key to any successful business. Accounting software helps you to automate and simplify your bookkeeping. With accounting software, you can create documents like quotes, invoices, payments, and generate various financial reports with few clicks. All businesses need a cloud-based accounting solution to enable their finance staff to work from remote locations. Companies can also integrate e-commerce platforms and accounting systems to view real-time inventory.

CRM Software

Over the years, traditional businesses are heavily dependent on face to face marketing. Its time for companies to move sales online by equipping the sales team with the right CRM solution. CRM software allows your sales team to manage a central database of all prospect information. The sales team can keep track of all contact’s deals, activities, conversations in one place, which helps them follow up and close deals quickly.

Online Meeting Tools

There are various popular free and paid online meeting tools that can help you to conduct an online meeting, webinars, etc. You can create awareness about your products and services with online webinars and also perform a daily update meeting with your staff to keep track of their day to day activities.

Go Digital with Deskera Applications

Deskera provides an integrated platform to take care of your accounting, finance, operations, inventory, and HR needs. You can also access your data anywhere, anytime with Deskera web and mobile apps.

Deskera Books

Deskera Books is cloud-based accounting software that allows you to automate your finances and inventory. Deskera Book’s intuitive dashboard gives you an overview of customers, vendors, products trend. Stay on the top of your inventory and finances with Deskera Books.

Deskera Books Dashboard

Deskera Shop

Deskera Shop is an online e-commerce platform that enables you to list and sell your product, services online. Deskera Shop is also integrated with Deskera Books, which allows you to view real-time inventory.

Deskera Sales

Deskera Sales is a cloud-based CRM solution that allows you to manage your contacts and opportunities. You can also run an email campaign to create more awareness for your products.

Deskera Sales Dashboard

Deskera Mobile App

Deskera Mobile app allows you to run your business on the go. The mobile app is free with the Deskera subscription plan. This super-app will enable you to track sales, finances, employee attendance, expenses from a single application.

Deskera Mobile App

Visit our website to learn more about Deskera Products.



Nidhi Mahana
Deskera Engineering

Hi! My name is Nidhi. I am a wife, blogger, mom of 2 beautiful girls and Product Manager @ Deskera