Meet the Member Daniel Chiat

Kaitlyn Fitzpatrick
A New Desk
Published in
2 min readNov 20, 2018

Coworking is as much about the co as it is about the working. To inspire you with what’s possible with a Deskpass membership, we want to introduce you to one of our members.

  • What kind of work do you do?
    I help mission-based organizations make better strategic decisions using data.
  • What’s something you’re working on right now?
    In one of my most enjoyable projects, I’m helping an educational organization which serves children with special needs to identify strategies to increase its national reach.
  • What was your workspace situation like pre-Deskpass?
    About four years ago, my wife and I moved to Chicago yet retained our DC-based jobs. She loves working from home, but I just couldn’t do it full-time.
  • What factors do you consider when booking a Deskpass space?
    It often depends on how my day is structured; if I have at least a few calls scheduled, I try to book a space that has good access to private or semi-private areas. I also love a reason to explore different neighborhoods, so whenever I have a meeting or appointment in the city, I look for the closest Deskpass space.
  • What’s your favorite Deskpass related moment…so far?
    On a Friday prior to a 3-day holiday weekend, my Dad was in town visiting and came to say hi while I was working at one of my favorite spaces. I stepped away to take a quick call and when I returned, my Dad — not much of a drinker — was sipping on a mimosa that the community manager made for him!
  • What is something cool you’ve spotted at a Deskpass space?
    The city sights! From the sweet rooftop at DeskLabs in Lakeview you can see the skyline. From the Colvin House in Edgewater you can see the lake across the street. And from Work Better in the Willis Tower, you can see everything.
  • Are you an extrovert or introvert? If so, how do you cowork to suit your personality?
    I’m a mix, which is why I love co-working. It gets me out of the house so that I can interact with cool people, and I can also slide on my Beats for a few hours and knock out an important work product.
  • Example of someone you’ve met while coworking?
    I’ve randomly seen a few old friends from my days in DC, so that’s always fun!

In case we forgot to mention…We’re a monthly membership that currently gives you access to 200+ spaces in Chicago, NYC, SF, LA, Austin, Denver, and Boston. We think Deskpass is a fantastic way to explore coworking, get you out of your home office or your local cafe and around a bunch of vibrant communities of lovely folks.

Try us out for 30 days to see what it’s all about!

