Meet the Member: Elizabeth Yellen

Kaitlyn Fitzpatrick
A New Desk
Published in
2 min readFeb 19, 2019

Coworking is as much about the co as it is about the working. To inspire you with what’s possible with a Deskpass membership, we want to introduce you to one of our members.

What kind of work do you do?
I am a French-to-English and Russian-to-English translator.

What’s something you’re working on right now?
I’m working on an exciting project right now: a Russian LitRPG book. LitRPG is role-playing game literature, which is like a video game in narrative form. It has a plot like a conventional novel but the main character’s life mirrors a video game with quests, experience points, skills, etc.

Why did you choose a Deskpass membership?
I was tired of working at home all the time but I wasn’t ready to commit to one space. I love having the freedom to explore lots of spaces, so Deskpass is perfect for me.

What factors do you consider when booking a Deskpass space?
Location and the physical space. Natural light is important to me.

What’s your favorite Deskpass related moment…so far?
I was excited that Deskpass expanded to Boston because that’s where my parents live and I go there frequently. On a recent visit I enjoyed putting my Deskpass membership to use at a great space.

Any must-haves while coworking?
A comfortable chair and an outlet.

What’s your favorite way to introduce yourself to other coworkers?
It’s easy to strike up a conversation next to the coffee/tea or in the kitchen during lunch.

Example of someone you’ve met while coworking?
I found a new client in a coworking space. You never know what will happen when you say hello!

In case we forgot to mention…We’re a monthly membership that currently gives you access to these spaces and 250+ in Chicago, NYC, SF, LA, Austin, Denver, Boston, and Miami. We think Deskpass is a fantastic way to explore coworking, get you out of your home office or your local cafe and around a bunch of vibrant communities of lovely folks.

Try us out for 30 days to see what it’s all about!

