Meet the Member Jocelyn Hoffman

Kaitlyn Fitzpatrick
A New Desk
Published in
3 min readNov 7, 2018

Coworking is as much about the co as it is about the working. To inspire you with what’s possible with a Deskpass membership, we want to introduce you to one of our members.

What kind of work do you do?
I’m Director of Marketing for a small manufacturer that engineers equipment for foundries around the world.

What’s something you’re working on right now?
Currently, I’m planning for a very large tradeshow in Dusseldorf, Germany in 2019. I’m coordinating the theme for the show, pre-show promotions, booth look and feel and of course where to put the bar in the booth!

What was your workspace situation like pre-Deskpass?
It was summer when I started my job so I knew I couldn’t effectively work at home with a 4 year old running around our condo. I chose Deskpass because I needed a space to work just for the summer, however, I liked co-working spaces so much I didn’t return to working at home after my daughter went to school. I’ve been a Deskpass member for 1 1/2 years now.

What factors do you consider when booking a Deskpass space?
I’m a bit of an explorer so I love going to different spaces to work. Some days I need a super quite space to copy write, other days I need a space with lively energy and some days I choose my space by where I want to go for lunch (sometimes my stomach overrides my train of thought).

What is something cool you’ve spotted at a Deskpass space?
I love the Deskpass spaces that allow dogs. I don’t have a dog but get to enjoy their company while I work.

What’s your favorite snack to bring with you?
My guilty pleasure is a large black iced tea from Dunkin’ Donuts. Fortunately, every DeskPass space has a Dunkin’ nearby!

Are you an extrovert or introvert? If so, how do you cowork to suit your personality?
Is it possible to be both? Deskpass is great because on the days I’m an introvert I can go to a space with all offices and other days when I’m in an extroverted mood I can go to a space that is more community oriented and open to conversations.

If you could cowork with anyone, who would it be and why?
It would be interesting to work with Linda Babcock or Sara Laschever, authors of the book “Women Don’t Ask: Negotiation and the Gender Divide”. I’d love to get more insight into how personally I can be more bold to ask and get what I want in the business world.

You can find Jocelyn coworking around Chicago and online here.

In case we forgot to mention…We’re a monthly membership that currently gives you access to 200+ spaces in Chicago, NYC, SF, LA, Austin, Denver, and Boston. We think Deskpass is a fantastic way to explore coworking, get you out of your home office or your local cafe and around a bunch of vibrant communities of lovely folks.

Try us out for 30 days to see what it’s all about!

