Meet the Member: Matt MacLean

Kaitlyn Fitzpatrick
A New Desk
Published in
3 min readJan 16, 2019

Coworking is as much about the co as it is about the working. To inspire you with what’s possible with a Deskpass membership, we want to introduce you to one of our members.

What kind of work do you do?
I help people get products made! I design, develop, and engineer consumer products.

What’s something you’re working on right now?
I’m working on a new counter-top kitchen appliance.

What are you looking for that a fellow Deskpasser may be able to help you with?
I could always use help with industrial design sketching, rendering, and prototyping.

What was your workspace situation like pre-Deskpass?
I worked from my kitchen table. Which proved to be problematic when my fridge was directly in my peripheral.

Why did you choose a Deskpass membership?
I tried out coworking on a few free days, and found that I was much more productive! I like having a dedicated space to get out of my apartment and go to. It tricks my mind into getting motivated and into work mode.

What factors do you consider when booking a Deskpass space?
Location to where I have meetings, or usually just the closest ones to my apartment.

If you had your own coworking space, what would you name it?
Foundation for Free Range Humans

What’s your favorite Deskpass related moment…so far?
I had a prospective client come in to meet in one of the conference rooms. The whole experience seemed much more professional than meeting in a coffee shop, and I think it was instrumental in getting the business.

What is something cool you’ve spotted at a Deskpass space?
I love the free coffee and snacks!

What’s your favorite snack to bring with you?
Mixed nuts.

Any must-haves while coworking?
Please… everyone… use headphones while talking on the phone. (I second this)

What’s a coworking tip you have for new Deskpassers?
Make a habit to explore spaces early on. It took me several months to really branch out of my normal habits.

What’s your favorite way to introduce yourself to other coworkers?
I’ve met the most people during the after work events or free day events that some spaces hold. Watch out for those.

Are you an extrovert or introvert? If so, how do you cowork to suit your personality?
I’ll give the most obnoxious answer — I’m an extroverted introvert. Where I enjoy being social a lot of the time, but it will eventually drain me and I have to recover alone. Coworking is great because you don’t get bombarded in your most productive morning hours by the office chatty Cathy looking to suck everyone into their chaos field.

If you could cowork with anyone, who would it be and why?
Tim Ferriss because he inspired me to quit my job and start my own thing. If I didn’t read “The 4-hour Work Week,” I wouldn’t be here!

Example of someone you’ve met while coworking?
I met someone in the same field as me recently and we got to talk shop for a bit, which is always fun!

In case we forgot to mention…We’re a monthly membership that currently gives you access to these spaces and 200+ in Chicago, NYC, SF, LA, Austin, Denver, and Boston. We think Deskpass is a fantastic way to explore coworking, get you out of your home office or your local cafe and around a bunch of vibrant communities of lovely folks.

Try us out for 30 days to see what it’s all about!

