Meet the Space: CENTRL Office (DTLA)

Kaitlyn Fitzpatrick
A New Desk
Published in
4 min readAug 2, 2019

With over 300+ spaces across the U.S. sometimes it can be hard to decide which Deskpass space to choose…That’s why we like to highlight our spaces and let them tell you what makes them unique! This edition of Meet the Space is CENTRL Office in DTLA (aka Downtown LA). You’ll find this spot nestled in Little Tokyo and bringing all the modern comfort plus tons of workspace options. Check it out!

You can see the bar top seating they have to the left as well

If your space was also the name of a popular magazine, what would it be called?
Do Great Good Work…or Work Hard, Play Hard. We are serious about what we do, and believe in supporting our members with a comfortable, quiet, and focused workspace. At the same time, we like to have fun and to offer opportunities for building community. We are a co-working space, after all. Nearly every week we offer food, drinks, or events for our members and guests alike. Work hard, play hard — finding a balance in our LA lives is key around here.

What is the coolest looking thing in your space?
Our members, without a doubt! Our space is decorated with member companies’ art, decor, and innovative home/office supplies, and stocked with health and beauty products made by member companies. We are even fed on occasion by one member of our space who operates a workplace food program.

High top tables for eating or working, it’s up to you!

Do you offer any unique services (ex: dry cleaning drop-off)?
We offer free local beer and kombucha on tap, along with brewing Bicycle Coffee daily (original coffee roaster located just downstairs) for all members and guests. Additionally, our members have after-hour access to the space and meeting rooms for company events, which has proven to be a valuable and fun amenity for members.

What’s around your space?
So. Much. Good. Food. Located in the heart of Little Tokyo and also bordering the Arts District, we are surrounded by amazing coffee shops, restaurants, breweries, and after work happy hour spots. Additionally, our building hosts Sweat-Yoga, a phenomenal studio with discounts offered to CENTRL Office members. Several other exercise studios are located within a couple block radius as well. Oh, and one more thing — check out our incredible view of downtown from the 8th floor!

Open space for collaboration

Provide an example of collaboration that happened at your space
One of the awesome companies in our space had the great idea of providing lunch for anyone in the office who was willing to participate in a 10-minute website walkthrough/feedback session. They also had a raffle among participants and gave away 5 of their products. Since then, we have had several of our members plan to host similar lunches or happy hours to product test and get feedback from other CENTRL family members. That’s our idea of the successful collaboration we hope to support!

What’s your best tip for being productive?
Set achievable goals for your day (and write them down somewhere!), then plan breaks between them. When you finish certain goals and are ready to change gears or start a new task, get up and stretch first, go for a quick walk, change scenery, whatever. It’s easier to stay focused and productive when you can establish a tangible start and a stop.

Why offer Deskpass?
Deskpass is a total win-win for both the users and for us at CENTRL Office. What a cool way to explore a variety of workspaces around the city, and feel out which environment is most conducive to an individual’s or company’s personal style. And for us — we get to meet so many people working on such cool and unique things. It’s always fun to see new faces and make friends, and it keeps the energy in our space vibrant and interesting.

In case we forgot to mention…We’re a monthly membership that currently gives you access to these spaces and 300+ in Chicago, NYC, SF, LA, Austin, Denver, Boston, Miami, and D.C.. We think Deskpass is a fantastic way to explore coworking, get you out of your home office or your local cafe and around a bunch of vibrant communities of lovely folks.

Try us out for 30 days to see what it’s all about!

