Heartbeat in Lines: Odenplan Station

Samuel Wong
Desktop Of Samuel
Published in
1 min readOct 8, 2017

Stockholm Subway Series

There is no subway system in the world like the one in Stockholm. Standing on the platform, you feel like an audience more than a commuter, enjoying the largest underground art collections.

Odenplan station would be one of my highlights of my stay in Stockholm. The new commuter rail station was opened in 2017 July, right under the metro station. It features a stunning installation crafted by David Svensson, capturing the essence of a busy city ever could be.

David Svensson’s “Life Line”

Svensson celebrates the birth of his baby and used his very own heartbeat to create illuminated lines in the escalating corridors between lower and upper platform. You might need to walk across the commuter rail platform if you are on the wrong side of the station. Ask for help from any friendly metro staff for directions.

Get There:
All Green Lines (T17, T18, T19) pass through Odenplan metro station.

Originally published at Desktop of Samuel Wong.

