9 reasons why you should become a Desmos Validator

Terence Lam
Desmos Network
3 min readApr 30, 2020


We cordially invite you to become a Desmos validator, which is a social network chain in the Cosmos ecosystem. The next phase of Desmos incentivized testnet will start tomorrow (May 1, UTC). Below are the 9 reasons why you should become a Desmos validator:

  1. You can invest in Desmos with your effort
  2. You will join the next promising profession
  3. You will leverage your experience
  4. You will be appreciated and rewarded
  5. We will enrich Cosmos
  6. We want to win together with contributors like you
  7. We have proven track record
  8. We have built the products
  9. We provide good education

1) You can invest in Desmos with your effort
Desmos provides a relatively high reward (in terms of the portion of initial supply) for validators as we want them to acquire skin in the game by effort before institutional investors come into play.

2) You will join the next promising profession
As blockchain space is gradually dominated by proof-of-stake blockchains, it will need a lot of validators. Validators are becoming a promising profession which requires the mindsets and skills of both an engineer and an economist.

3) You will leverage your experience
Desmos is powered by Tendermint. Tendermint is powering many other proof-of-stake chains such as Cosmos Hub, IRISnet, Terra Money, Kava, LikeCoin, Band Protocol and Matic which already have their tokens listed publicly on exchange, and e-Money, Cyber Congress, Regen Network, Oasis Labs, Akash, Agoric and many other projects which are in various mainnet or testnet stages. You can use your experience in Desmos in most of these Cosmos ecosystem chains.

4) You will be appreciated and rewarded
We understand the importance of validator, as we (as Forbole) are validator, too. We are an active member in Cosmos community. We have participated to most of the above blockchains. We understand the importance of validator and this will be reflected by our actions.

5) We will enrich Cosmos
Desmos is one of the very few social network projects in Cosmos ecosystem which can enhance the “biodiversity” in the ecosystem. Our role in Cosmos is to tap into the non-crypto users market.

6) We want to win together with contributors like you
The contributions of validators are underrated. This is not a priority to other ecosystem projects to spend effort in building their own validator communities. But we see this differently. As a social network project, validators will be our early adopters who create the networking effect we need. As such, we have every reason to win together with our validators.

7) We have proven track record
Thanks for all the support from the lovely Cosmonauts, we have built our brand in this space from scratch in the past 2.5 years. As Forbole team, we have won awards in the competitions hosted in Cosmos ecosystem. We have built Big Dipper, which is an open-source block explorer supported by ICF and used by people from over 145 countries.

8) We have built the products
We are already in the fourth generation of testnet with over 20 external validators. We have built Mooncake, the microblogging DApp on Desmos that are being used by our early believers. Desmos testnet is securing the communications on Mooncake despite its “testnet” status. (download Mooncake: iOS and Android)

9) We provide good education
Desmos is one of the very few blockchains initiated by an established validator. This documentation, which some of the validators found was quite well-written, will give you guidance. You can always ask questions in our Discord channel and our community is ready to help you.

You can find us in below channels:

