Announcing Desmos Community Program

Riccardo Montagnin
Desmos Network
Published in
3 min readAug 26, 2020

Since the beginning of our journey in the development of Desmos, we always thought about how we could create the best community possible for us.
This means not only attracting people already familiar with the blockchain technology, but most importantly people that don’t know about it yet.

Since Desmos will be a protocol to create social networks and they are used by the majority of the people nowadays, we thought it might be a good catch to use our project to attract new people in the wider blockchain space as well. This is one of the main objectives behind our first ever incentivization program: Desmos Primer.

Although the Primer program worked out well in order to attract technical people, we realized that we left out all the people that were not technically skilled but could contribute to the community in other ways.
For this reason, we’re here today to announce another type of incentivization program: the Desmos Community Program 🤝

This program will not replace the currently existing Desmos Primer.
Instead, it will run alongside with it and reward people willing to contribute to our community.

Rewarded activities 💻

As part of the Desmos Community program, we are going to reward any activity aimed at expanding our community.
This includes but is not limited to:

  • writing blog posts about Desmos;
  • translating our website/blog posts in different languages;
  • helping new users
  • … and any other social impacting activity.

If you would like to know more about the rewarded activities or you already have thought about some contribution and you would like to know if we might reward it, please join our Discord server.

How rewards will be distributed 💸

Once you have an idea about a contribution, or you have already made some progress, you can contact our team using our Discord server.

From there you will talk in private with one of our team members to let them know about your contribution. Once they fully understands your work, they will let the other team members know by escalating your request using our private communication channels. If your request is approved, you will be contacted by the same team member you initially spoke with that will inform you about the procedure to effectively obtain the reward.

Please note that our rewards will consist only in Desmos Tokens (DSM).
We will not distribute any other form of reward.

Also, note that the rewards amount will be discussed on a case by case basis and we will take many different factors into consideration when doing so. Some examples might be:

  • impact of the contribution on the community
  • usefulness of the contribution for the team
  • time spent
  • your estimated value of the contribution
  • … and many others

We really hope that this program will help us distribute more DSM to people that are willing to contribute to our project in a different way.
If you would like to know more about it, then please join our Discord server to start talking with our team. We will be more than willing to help you out with everything you might need 💁

“Alone, we can do so little; together, we can do so much”

— Helen Keller

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Riccardo Montagnin
Desmos Network

I’ve got too many places where to write my bio, so if you wanna see the updated one go to Twitter: