Desmos Modules Explained #3 — Posts

Lorenzo Menegon
Desmos Network
Published in
2 min readAug 19, 2022

Desmos Core allows developing a whole platform with all the features of the social networks we are used to nowadays, taking advantage of its decentralized nature.

After presenting the Subspaces module in the second article of this series, the next one we are going to introduce is the Posts module.

Any kind of digital information

A post in Desmos represents some kind of content shared by a user within a dApp (that relies on a subspace to store it separately from other dApps). This content might represent a blog article, a tweet, or whatever people are used to sharing online on any kind of social media.

A post can also be represented as a quote from another post, a remark, or a repost of another piece of information.

Posts are the fundamental way of communicating between users, so they must allow information to be shared in as many ways as possible.

Posts Module on GitHub repository

Customize your contents

The posts’ structure can be customized by developers according to the needs of their platform. As users, we want to express ideas in the most diverse ways possible, so we have decided to provide as many choices as we could regarding how the content can be shared in the form of posts.

Posts can easily integrate any type of attachment such as images, gifs, or polls.

To give an example, a post could be simply represented as a picture with a caption, but at the same time, it could be just text.

Developers can take advantage of the wide range of parameters offered by the post structure and use them in the way that better suite their own dApp needs.

Identify your content using Metadata

One of the functions provided by this module is to categorize the posts’ contents correctly. Through the use of links, user mentions, and hashtags, it will be possible to provide as many details as you want.

In addition, you can use specific tags to combine with the associated contents, and this feature makes it easier to propose and display content for what your users want to see.

Do you want to discover in detail the complete functioning of this module? Visit our Github repository here

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