Desmos October Upgrade

Riccardo Montagnin
Desmos Network
Published in
2 min readOct 5, 2020

Last month, on September 24, we tried running our first on-chain automatic upgrade. This was called the September Upgrade and was supposed to add some new features to morpheus-8000, our testnet that has been running until then.

Unluckily, as we’ve described inside our September Upgrade Postmortem blog post, that upgrade failed. This was caused by a bug present inside the Cosmos SDK and since then our chain has been in a “suspended” state. No new transaction can be performed, but the old data is still there 😔.

We’re currently working with the Cosmos and Tendermint team to solve this bug, but it is currently taking more time than expected. For this reason, we decided that we are going to do a manual upgrade to restore the old state of the chain 🔨.

The road to morpheus-10000 🛣️

The last block produced before the upgrade was the one at height 513,573. However, the last three blocks did not contain any transactions so, for safety reasons, we decided to export the state at height 513,570.

We have planned the upgrade to happen on Tuesday 6 October, at 06:00:00 UTC. This will start the new morpheus-10000 chain having all the features that were planned to be introduced with our September Upgrade 💪.

All the data, including the genesis file and the Desmos version to be used, have already been published inside our testnets repository.

We’ve also done some things to make validators’ lives easier 😌:

  1. For new validators, we have improved our documentation 📄.
    Now, when starting a full node you can also follow the automatic procedure that will setup everything for you in a couple of minutes.
  2. For already existing validators, we have created an upgrade script 🤖.
    This can be found here and can be run whenever you wish. Please note that running this script will stop your node from running properly until the above mentioned upgrade time.

If you are running a validator, or would like to run one, we highly suggest you to join our Discord chat. During the upgrade time we will coordinate there with anyone present, providing assistance if needed. Also, if you want to ask questions or need help that is the best place to be in 🔍.

We would like to thanks everyone that has been supporting us, and we really hope that this upgrade will fix the current state of the chain 🙏.

Encourage, lift and strengthen one another. For the positive energy spread to one will be felt by us all. For we are connected, one and all. — Deborah Day

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Riccardo Montagnin
Desmos Network

I’ve got too many places where to write my bio, so if you wanna see the updated one go to Twitter: