Desmos yearly review [2020]

Riccardo Montagnin
Desmos Network
Published in
4 min readDec 29, 2020

I think we can all agree that 2020 was one hell of a year for sure. The COVID pandemic, among all else that happened, will probably influence our lives forever.

Despite this, however, our team was able to stay incredible tight together and achieve most of the objectives that we set the last year. For this reason, we believe that it’s worth letting you all know what we accomplished and what are our plans for the next year. 😎

Are you ready to jump right in? 🏃

What we have done ✅

The first version of Desmos was released on December 10, 2019. After that one, we decided to focus on having bi-weekly updates. This has brought us to release the incredible amount of 31 versions of Desmos in 2020. 📜

We started by having three basic features: create a post, like and unlike. Now, we have more than 18 features, distributed across 6 different custom made Cosmos modules, ranging from posts to profiles, reports and relationships. 🔧

We were also able to continuously keep up with the Cosmos SDK updates, starting from version 0.37 until 0.39. This allowed us to also test new Cosmos features and contribute in finding bugs and fixing them benefiting the whole community. 🤝

All of this was possible not only thanks to our amazing team, but also thanks to our incredible community of validators and users. Thanks to them, we were able to start 9 different testnets, allowing everyone to stay updated on new features and play with them. This has also allowed us to allocate almost 2,200,000 Desmos Tokens as rewards of different incentivization programs. 💸

We are truly amazed by how fast we have grown, starting from less than 10 up to more than 100 validators in less than a year. We really value each and every member of our amazing community, and we believe we would could have never done what we did without them all. 🙏

A particular thanks also goes to Ken | Cypher Core from Cypher Core, which invited us to the first episode of their podcast “At Stake, were we were able to introduce and talk about Desmos, its insights and meaning for the social networks users. 🎤

We would also like to thanks all the people that took part in our first private pre-sale of DSM. We are really thankful for the support you have shown us and you have certainly given a boost to our motivation in reaching higher goals in the future. 🌟

Our projects for 2021 🔭

Looking forward, we have some great projects for the next year.

One of our main focus will be to establish some partnerships with the projects we are most interested in. Some of these are Starname, in order to integrate their naming system into our profile structure, and Oasis, in order to enable privacy-preserving computation on users’ personal data (e.g. for advertising delivery). 🔐

A part from this, we will also continue the development of Desmos by integrating more features. We are now exploring the possibility of verifying your profile with external services to avoid identity theft, as well as have an equal block proposing opportunity among all validators. 🧰

Moreover, we would like to upgrade Desmos to be compatible with the upcoming Cosmos SDK 0.40. This will allow us to be among the first testnets to do the upgrade and be fully IBC compliant, allowing every other project to rely on us if the want to integrate social network features on their chains. 🔗

We really hope that you are excited as we are to see what the next year will bring to us. We can’t wait to see how our community will keep growing and how together we can change the social networks world.

Once again, thanks to all our supporters and the people that believe in what we do. We surely would not be here if it wasn’t for you. We wish you all the best for what’s to come.

New year is the glittering light to brighten the dream-lined pathway of future. — Munia Khan

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Riccardo Montagnin
Desmos Network

I’ve got too many places where to write my bio, so if you wanna see the updated one go to Twitter: