Increasing Morpheus validators set

Riccardo Montagnin
Desmos Network
Published in
3 min readNov 5, 2020

Since we introduced the new Desmos Validators Program, we’ve noticed a steadily increase in the number of people that have joined our network. In the past weeks particularly, we’ve seen a significant increase in the chain activity and there was one day during which there were 97 active validators.

Not many people know this, but currently the number of active validators on our testnet is capped to 100. This particular value is the default one that appears on all Cosmos-based chains and has been chosen in order to avoid having a too-large validators’ set that could cause a slower block production.

Although since now this value has fitted properly for our testnet, as a team we do not believe in capping the contributions to our project. For this reason, we have decided to increase the number of active validators doubling to 200! 🎉

Following, you can read how we are going to manage this change thanks also to the help of our community 🤗.

Path to the change

As a team, we would like to take this opportunity as a chance for changing other parameters of the chain though on-chain proposals. Below you will find how we think to do this by following a two steps process:

  1. Change the governance parameters
  2. Change the maximum active validators number

1. Change the governance parameters

When an on-chain proposal is submitted, it is subject to the following steps.

  1. Deposit period
    During this, people can deposit any amount of udaric they want in order to make the proposal reach the minimum deposit amount required, a requirement needed to make the proposal votable.
  2. Voting period
    Once the minimum deposit amount is reached, the proposal enters this stage. During it, people can vote either Yes, No or NoWithVeto to the proposal itself. To mark the proposal as passed, the majority of the voters needs to vote Yes, there must be less than 33% of NoWithVeto and a quorum of voters must be met.

Currently, inside our testnet, the minimum deposit amount is 10 Daric, and the deposit and voting periods are set to be each one 2 days long.

Although those values have been working well until now, we think that the minimum deposit amount is too low and the period are too short to guarantee a good participation inside each phase. For this reason, we have decided to create an on-chain proposal to change

  • the minimum deposit amount from 10 Daric to 1,000 Daric
  • the deposit and voting periods from 2 days to 3.5 days each one.

2. Change the maximum active validators number

The number of active validators that can exist at any given time is specified by the max_validators param of the x/staking module (you can see its current value here).

Once the above proposal has passed, we are going to create a second proposal in order to change this parameter as well. This will then require 1,000 Daric to be deposited and its deposit and voting periods will last 3.5 days each. For this reason, we are going to require the help of all the community in order to deposit and vote for the proposal, so that we can make together a better chain for new validators.


We really hope that these changes will help us build a larger set of validators, allowing more people to enter our network making it stronger and more decentralized 💪.

We would like to thanks all the long-running validators that have been supporting us until now. We wouldn’t be able to have such a resilient network without you 🙏.

You may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one. I hope some day you’ll join us and the world will be as one. — John Lennon

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Riccardo Montagnin
Desmos Network

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