Invitation to become Co-Builders of Desmos

Terence Lam
Desmos Network
Published in
3 min readOct 3, 2019


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Photo by Chris Gray on Unsplash

Just another “decentralized social network”?

There are a lot of blockchain projects want to disrupt social networks. We are one of them. In Jun 2017, we had an idea to build a decentralize business referral network and hence Forbole was founded in Oct 2017 to make this happen. After we have gathered more feedback and learned more, we halted this idea as we thought we were not ready. There were so many missing pieces. Since then we worked hard to become a reputable validator and contributor in PoS blockchains.

The need to communicate with our delegators

As a validator, we need to communicate with our delegators. But what is the suitable way to contact them? We thought that other validators would face similar problems. So we planned to add a messaging function on Big Dipper such that different validators and delegators can communicate in a verifiable but anonymous way.

Then we further think that we need to have a place to publish our updates to the community. How about we add a feature on Big Dipper to serve this as well?

Wait… Isn’t it like a Twitter? Eureka!

So instead of building a business referral network, we start with the simplest form of social network: microblogging:

  • Tweeting is easy
  • Messages are meaningful transactions
  • This is a real use case (Forbole has sent transactions with a memo to all its delegators to notify them about the change of commission)

Start small and lean

In the past 2 years during all the hypes and FOMO, most of the projects had a big team and a big plan, then raised a lot of fund at idea stage. This is not our style and that’s why we halted the social network idea for more than 18 months. We want to start by solving a simple problem, at least for ourselves. How the project will evolve in the future? Let the community to decide!

Ensure a decentralized start

Our goal is to bootstrap a new type of social network of the users, by the users, for the users. The tricky part here is that we need to think decentralization from the very first day. This is inevitable that we as the initiator of this project have to make centralized decisions early on. What’s important is that these centralized decisions are made to improve decentralization.

Earliest round: for Co-builders

We noticed that a lot of projects were already heavily funded by institutional investors (at a very low offering price) before other contributors like validators, developers and evangelists even have the chance to hear of it.

We need validators, developers and evangelists to co-build the project. What if we invite them to replace institutional investors to become our earliest supporters? What if we can incubate a more decentralized and independent community of early co-builders who have skin in the game?

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