Morpheus “Apollo” on-chain upgrade postmortem

What happened and what we are doing next

Riccardo Montagnin
Desmos Network
1 min readJul 9, 2021


As we mentioned a couple of days ago, today there was our second on-chain upgrade on the Morpheus “Apollo” testnet.

Even thought our validators’ community was ready, something wrong happened during the upgrade. Due to a badly tested migration script, the chain halted and couldn’t complete the migration properly. Not only this, but the current chain database has been corrupted during the process. We believe this was due to a Cosmos bug that lies in the SDK, since the Regen team experienced something similar during one of their upgrades as well.

The current status sees the chain completely halted and no way to recover it. For this reason, we have decided, after the suggestion of one of our validators, to take a different path. We will keep the chain halted until the next week, when we will provide everyone with a fresh genesis file that will be used to start a new chain, morpheus-apollo-2 .

We hope to get everything ready (and tested) by Tuesday July 13th at 08:00 UTC, time in which we will try to start the new chain.

If you are a validator, make sure to stick around Discord on Monday when we will give more updates on this new chain start.

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Riccardo Montagnin
Desmos Network

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