DESN 325 #1

Chris Thompson (Photographer)
2 min readApr 2, 2019
  1. Research the reality-virtuality continuum
  2. Define the terms VR, AR, MR, XR
  3. Write a summary the serves as evidence of your new found knowledge.
  4. For each term link to a piece of information that explains or provides evidence for that term (this can be an image, video, webpage, gif, etc).
  5. Include an overall post image or gif ← it should relate in some way to the topic of the post overall or in general.

Reality-virtuality continuum: The spectrum from completely real to completely virtual and synthetic.

VR Virtual Reality: An environment that is entirely synthetic and immersive for the viewer, this can be made to emulate the real world or create a fictional world.

AR Augmented Reality: A view of real world, where certain aspects are augmented with Sound, Visuals, GPS or other interactions. There is no interaction between the real world and the virtual world.

MR Mixed Reality: The blending of Synthetic and actual reality in real time, where there is no delay and the objects play and interact together.

XR Extended Reality: XR is the umbrella that contains the above 3 areas of reality. It is defined as: “Extended Reality refers to all real-and-virtual combined environments and human-machine interactions generated by computer technology and wearables”.

