Oculus Quest

Chris Thompson (Photographer)
2 min readApr 16, 2019
  • Application name and platform : Oculus Quest, reviewed on web.
    Provide the name of the application and the platform that you reviewed it on.
  • Description — Oculus Quest is a standalone VR headset that is able to produce 6 degrees of freedom and allow the user to move throughout space. This is good because it untethers the user from having to use a computer to be immersed in the environment.
  • Audience — This application is made for people like me! Not really likely the gamer who likes VR, me being one with glasses I dislike 3D and most VR situations. I feel it will be a success when it launches bringing a happy medium to new users and extreme users alike.
  • XR Implementation — From what I read it does take advantage of 6DOF as well as a control system. By having a headset and control “handles” that are untethered the user is allowed to let go of reality that much more, when we finally have a headset that needs no controls and only brain function then we will have reached a true integration of XR.
  • Supporting Technologies — The article states that users will be able to move around, although I am unsure how it tracks, I’m guessing it might be using GPS or accelerometer. It would be interesting to see how they did this without having a sensing unit on the ground.
  • Strengths — Strengths of the platform are not needing a full CPU and GPU which opens up the types of apps that can be utilized. This also increases the amount of market available to sellers, I for one might be able to try it out. Being on a Mac I can’t test a lot of new fun tech, not that I would, but if I wanted to now I can.
  • Improvement — At this point it is hard to discuss what will be able to be improved, I will have to wait till launch.

