Reality-Virtuality continuum

Patrick White
2 min readApr 4, 2019


A huge contributor to the progression of MR (Mixed Reality) science, Paul Milgram, believed that the Reality-Virtuality Continuum is a blanket over the bed that is MR. On one end of the spectrum you have “Real Environment” which is where human can be placed. On the other side of the spectrum we have the “Virtual Environment”. To be immersed totally into the Virtual Environment we must need a headset to experience it. Augmented Reality is a little more tame from total immersion and is used through mobile devices and some glasses to lay a digital world over the real world. Last but not least we have Augmented Virtuality, which allows the human to interact and manipulate with the augmented world that is generated before them. AV (Augmented Virtuality) lays close to the Virtual Environment on the spectrum. While it’s not total immersion into the virtual world it is close.


  1. VR: Also known as Virtual Reality is computer simulated reality. By using a headsets it can generate environments, sounds, and other sensations to help immerse yourself into the imaginary world. They say that a perfect VR simulation will engage all five of your senses but it is not always possible.


2. AR: Augmented Reality is a little less abrasive than VR as it utilizes your existing environment and lives on top of it through a device whether that be your phone or tablet to name a few. It acts as a direct or indirect view of the real world environment through computer generated videos, sounds, and graphics.


3. MR: Mixed Reality, is the merging point of both the real and virtual world to produce new environments where our physical world and these digital object can interact together in real time.


4. XR: Extended Reality is a newer term added to the bunch and it refers to “all real-and-virtual combined environments and human-machine interactions generated by computer technology and wearables”. In short XR acts as a shell and combines all three realities to help lead to less confusion.

link: 60e5cc284330



Patrick White

Avid thinker, creator and developer of worlds. Inspired by situations of all sorts and critiquing them through the lens of virtual reality.