week1 — XR Experience Evaluation

Jessie Coney
2 min readApr 9, 2019
  • Application name and platform

ARise — iphone application

  • Description

ARise is an experience about perspective. Using the AR capabilities of the device you aim to align connections and create paths. No touch or swiping is needed, simply move around the floating islands and look for visual cues.

  • Audience

I believe this app is aimed towards younger people or people who like puzzles and challenges. Who do you think this application is made for? Is it successful in serving that user or audience?

  • XR Implementation

This games is an example of handheld AR. This app takes advantage of the platform by making the user completely interact with the app rather than just being able to sit and use it. The user is required to walk around, go closer/ further from the “pin point” of the object in order for it to work.

  • Supporting Technologies

This app requires camera input but other then that it does not have many other supporting technologies. GPS is not required and haptic feedback is at a bare minimum.

  • Strengths

The visuals in this app are amazing. The graphics are extremely clear and intricate and as you move your phone you can easily and clearly see the different angles of the floating island.

  • Improvement

The biggest improvement I would make would be the instructions. Its difficult to understand what exactly what you have to do. Many games have a step by step example where it shows you what to do before you have to do it on your own and I think that sort of thing would have been extremely helpful in this case. I also think it would be helpful to have haptic feedback when the user completes something correctly.

  • SLAM

SLAM is used within this product by mapping out your location and finding a space suitable for the 3D AR environment that you are able to experience.

