XR Experience 1

Chris Thompson (Photographer)
2 min readApr 9, 2019
  • Application name and platform
    Provide the name of the application and the platform that you reviewed it on.

Google Goggles, Mobile

  • Description — Describe the application in 1–6 sentences.

This puts you in a VR world where you can click and look at things. Interacting a new way.

  • Audience — Who do you think this application is made for? Is it successful in serving that user or audience?

This application is made for any one who wants to interact with an app in a new way. With the little bit of interaction Ive had with it, I like it. I just got my Goggles today, so I haven’t been able to really test it out.

  • XR Implementation — Is the application an example of XR, AR, or MR? If VR, is it 6DOF (room-scale) or 3DOF (seated)? If AR or MR, is it handheld (like an iPhone app) or wearable (like Hololens)? How does the application take advantage of the specific capabilities of this platform?

Its more of a VR thing, it some how works with a magnetic switch as a button with the phone, aka magic. This allows you to click through menus and buttons. It also utilizes the Accelerometers in the phone so the viewer can look around.

  • Supporting Technologies — What other technologies are used by the application (e.g. GPS, haptic feedback, etc.), and why are they important?

Currently I think its just using the Accelerometer and the screen, and whatever allows the magnetic button to work.

  • Strengths — What are some of the application’s strengths?

I like that its super simple and a very low entry cost to get into. I want to try out other applications and experiences with it to see how far the app can go.

  • Improvement — What would you do to improve the application?

Since I haven’t used it that much I’m not sure what could be improved right now, it seems to function fairly well for my purposes.

