INKT’s Musical Odyssey: A Dutch-Swedish Duet Weaves Melancholic Magic

Desert Island Cloud
2 min readAug 13, 2023


As the sun-kissed trails of Europe beckon, the members of INKT embark on a journey that transcends music — a voyage of ordinary lives intertwining. Roaming the continent with their precocious two-year-old daughter, this musical family’s expedition leads them to unexpected encounters. Nestled within the heart of Malmö, on the canvas of a circus ground, fate unites them with the enigmatic singer, Ruben. A serendipitous collaboration birthed a melodious testament to longing, a song of homesickness that transcends borders and emotions.

“The Vindarna Stad / Ik Kom Bij Je Terug,” captured live in one mesmerizing take, bears witness to this cross-cultural collision of souls. Against the backdrop of a playful toddler’s laughter, the track blossoms into a homage to both Malmö and Amsterdam. The essence of homesickness weaves a complex tapestry — the ache of yearning for your hometown while traversing distant lands, and the bittersweet longing for the familiarity of your cityscape from the very heart of your dwelling.

INKT’s sonic palette is a canvas painted in shades of melancholic indie-pop. The allure lies in their wayward lyrics, mirroring everyday life’s quirks and curiosities. Picture it: a prolonged conversation during a balmy summer night, a heated debate that leaves your ears ringing, the wind embracing your face as you drive home, a little tipsy. With every track, they craft soundscapes that encapsulate the imaginary film reel of a movie that has yet to exist. A symphony that is both candid and emotional, intimate yet profoundly engaging.

Their latest creation is an embodiment of this ethos — a Dutch-Swedish duet, a harmony transcending linguistic boundaries. The world bears witness to the cross-pollination of cultures, woven seamlessly by INKT. As their daughter’s laughter dances alongside their music, it serves as a testament to the intricacies of life and its stories.

INKT’s journey is more than musical; it’s an exploration of life’s myriad emotions, cast against the canvas of notes and melodies. A narrative that unfolds in the embrace of the every day, the extraordinary, and the untold.



Desert Island Cloud

Editor for Desert Island Cloud - Supporting new music from any genre.