Fort Lauderdale, Florida (Where the Boys Are)

Devan Bianco
Destination Information
2 min readMay 8, 2018
Aerial view of Fort Lauderdale beach. (photo/

As the weather starts heating up all minds turn to summer vacation. A time people travel to the coast to enjoy some time in the sun. Sun, sand and fun are all three characteristics that our next destination has.

Fort Lauderdale, Florida is a coastal city located in south Florida, 28 miles north of Miami, on the Atlantic side. Because of its warm climate, the city is a very popular tourist site. Today, the city is home to over 100,000 people not including the vacationers who travel from the north.

Fort Lauderdale got its name from the various forts that were built around the city during the Second Seminole War. However, it was not until 1911 that the city was established. Fort Lauderdale played a major role during World War II. The city was often used because of the United States Base where they would trail pilots, radar operators and fire control operators.

Today, Fort Lauderdale is one of the most traveled to vacation destinations. With the powdery sand and clear blue ocean many people enjoy their time in the sun. Lauderdale is also a major yachting center. People from far and wide travel to the city to set sail on the open seas.

Those who travel to Fort Lauderdale will not be bored. From boating through the canals to shopping at some of the most prestigious shopping centers in the United States. Days in the sun and nights on the town are what people do while vacationing in Lauderdale.

If you are looking for a fun and relaxing vacation with days spent in the sun, Fort Lauderdale is the destination for you. So pack your suit and travel to Fort Lauderdale this summer.

