Born Again…Again…Again

TDJ Enterprises
Published in
2 min readSep 24, 2015




Over the next 3 weeks, we will be taking an in-depth look at Destiny as guided by Bishop T.D. Jakes’ extremely popular sermon series.

Part 13 of 18

Time Stamp 7:22–9:24

Remember how we spoke about the trauma of the birthing process, and how we looked at the birth into our destiny from the perspective of a baby in the womb? As we are born into the world, we go through the same birthing process for us to step into our life’s purpose and destiny. From this perspective, we see birth as a door that ushers us from one world to another. As it is with birth, the same can be said of death: Both “doors” lead us from one world to the following.

Though we see three “births” that occur in our life, we really should understand that we are birthed over and over and over again.

Please understand that your destiny is not the end-all be-all of your existence. Just like when it’s time for the baby in the womb to leave when it finally gets comfortable with its location, the same can be said about us growing comfortable in our destiny. Your Creator has not established you for only one period of time. Your destiny is not a one-hit wonder. Your God is a progressive God that moves in every dimension. Because you are an offshoot of such a Being, why would you believe that you do not carry that same attribute?

Yes, you have a gift. Yes, you have a calling. Yes, you have a purpose. Each of these, however, is meant to push you into new areas of influence. So, just like you were born into this life and born into your destiny, your destiny has varying areas within it that require you to transition and be born into them!

Your life and purpose is constantly evolving because your Creator is constantly moving. There is no stagnancy in Him just as He has not called for stagnancy in you. Where has your purpose taken you? Have you been effective? Have you grown while there? More importantly, have you become comfortable?

If so, get ready to be born again…again…again!

