TDJ Enterprises
Published in
3 min readSep 1, 2015



Time Stamp: 2:00–5:02

Every living person is a vibrant embodiment of a designed purpose and destiny — a walking, breathing, speaking organism that has been set on a path to fulfill a specific goal during its existence. Though we all might have different purposes and destinies, there is something every destiny-driven person shares with another — a pulse!

Of course, your pulse signifies the thumping of your heart. However, it does far more than that. Your pulse signifies that your entire body is being fed everything it needs to survive and thrive. There are several places throughout your body that allow you to feel the pulse of your heart. What you feel when you place your fingers against your jugular vein should be the same thing you feel when your fingers are placed against your wrist. Both areas on your body should have the same rhythm and energy because the pulse — the beating of the heart — sustains everything God has assembled in you. If the pulse stops, the body dies.

As it is in our bodies, it should be in the people around us. There is a rhythm that syncs everyone together when they unite for a singular purpose. Every idea must coincide with the tempo of the vision and the other members of the group. If not, the entire troop is immediately thrown into chaos the moment the cadence is lost.

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As you pursue your destiny, you will find it is extremely attractive to others. It pulls in individuals who have the power to assist and propel you, or those who will deter you. It is necessary that you keep your eyes peeled for those who desire to collaborate with you but do not share your pace. The moment such disharmony enters is the very moment you will see your efforts, ideas, and projects falter. You cannot allow others to change your rhythm. If they can change your rhythm, they can kill your creativity.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with others joining you in the pursuit of your destiny. However, each of you must understand that your mission’s success is totally dependent upon your ability to walk in agreement with one another.

Without agreement, your destiny is merely a wish.

