TDJ Enterprises
Published in
3 min readSep 24, 2015




Over the next 3 weeks, we will be taking an in-depth look at Destiny as guided by Bishop T.D. Jakes’ extremely popular sermon series.

Part 10 of 18

Time Stamp: 2:08–5:00

More than anything in all of scripture, God addresses the way people think. After all, your thinking determines your destination. If you keep thinking a certain way (not so much the contents of your thoughts — though, they can be problematic — but the manner in which you process life), it will not be long until you start acting on what you are thinking. Your reality is based on how you think!

We often miss the importance of our thought processes, opting for caring for our appearance because we believe we are what others see in us. However, looks fade. So, who and what are you apart from your appearance?

You can often tell the type of person you are dealing with by how they speak, understand, and think. Now, when I say the word “understand”, I’m not speaking of the ability and manner in which a person comprehends. I am actually highlighting the truth you stand under. Understanding is nothing more than the “light” and truth you choose to believe. When Proverbs 23:7 says, “As a man thinks in his heart, so is he,” it’s telling us the logical path of a man’s life. Later on in Luke, Jesus takes the statement further by stating, “Out of the overflow (abundance) of [a man’s] heart does his mouth speak.”

Examine the progression in and between those two points of wisdom. We believe something in the core of our being. We, then, speak and act on it, becoming that very thing. From those two axioms, we must conclude that paying attention to the truth we stand under (understanding), our thoughts (how we process life), and our speech is of utmost importance. You will either rise or sink to the level of your believing, thinking, and speaking!

For the above reason, the realization of our destiny is wholly dependent on what we are choosing to believe, how we think about it, and how we talk about it. If either of these three things are out of sync with the purpose and destiny your Creator has placed on your life, you’re likely to have a rough go of things.

So, let’s do a test. Let’s begin to examine what we’re understanding. Afterward, we will adjust how we think and speak in response to the truth we are believing. Upon partnering with God in the process of changing these three core things, we will discover how we have held ourselves back from accomplishing the assignment that has been on our lives from the very beginning.

