TDJ Enterprises
Published in
3 min readSep 24, 2015




Over the next 3 weeks, we will be taking an in-depth look at Destiny as guided by Bishop T.D. Jakes’ extremely popular sermon series.

Part 12 of 18

Time Stamp: 20:26–22:10

Your Creator has endowed you with His power and will. In addition, He has even sanctioned the fruition of your destiny and you walking in it. Your future requires that you walk in the authority granted unto you. However, there are some pitfalls along the way. You will encounter some setbacks, but none are more deadly than your own, childish thinking. We have previously spoken about this subject, but I want to delve just a bit deeper into it with a scenario.

Imagine being the child of a King that has granted you an immense inheritance. As the next in line to the throne, you are the prince or princess. Supported by the King, your word will move the entire kingdom. The only reason it does not, at this moment, is the fact that your father still sits on the throne. In the meantime, your father has instructed all the teachers, sages, counselors, and learned scholars to teach you the ways of the kingdom you will rule and the world you inhabit.

All of this is wonderful. You are learning from the top minds of your kingdom. You are being prepared to step into the role you were born to occupy. Your inheritance is not only the kingdom, but also the wealth of your father — the King! Though all of this is good and fine, your status as the prince or princess has not changed. Besides your father, the King, you are the ruler of everyone who comes to see you. I really need you to get that.


Though you are learning from all these people, you rule over them. Though they are teaching you, you rule over them. Though you obey their instructions, you rule over them. The only thing stopping you from fully realizing your destiny is your age or immaturity! It is your underdeveloped mentality that keeps you from fully walking in the ruling position granted to you by your father!

As it is in this story, so it is with you! Your Creator has granted you an enormous inheritance that will allow you to rule in your destiny. Though you are ruler over all that come your way — understand that this is an analogy; don’t think you rule other people — you are being hindered by the childish processing you have not put away in favor of grasping that which has been left to you.

God charges us to put away harmful, childish ways and perceptions as if we have a choice in the matter…and we do!

Your destiny requires it!

You can put it away. Make the decision now. You can put it away.

