TDJ Enterprises
Published in
3 min readSep 15, 2015




Over the next 3 weeks, we will be taking an in-depth look at Destiny as guided by Bishop T.D. Jakes’ extremely popular sermon series.

Part 9 of 18

Time Stamp: 8:14–10:22

No matter where you go, most people are always looking to go to the next level in life. They think the next level or “dimension” in life is better than where they have been in their history. Though it may be better in some respects, the next level is not a completely different arena from those you have previously experienced. On the contrary, the next level of your life, though unlike your history in various respects, finds its roots in your yesterday. As a matter of fact, everything you are going to be is wrapped up in the person you are now.

Don’t believe me? I’ll prove it to you.

Take a look at an acorn. Though small and seemingly meaningless, a planted acorn grows into a mighty oak tree. The majesty that is the oak tree found its beginnings in the humble acorn that we often take for granted. The difference between the immature acorn and the fully developed oak tree?…PROCESS.

Perhaps you are wondering about the career field you currently occupy. You’ve been asking where your life is heading and why you cannot make strides toward your destiny. You have been fighting to get out of that field for quite some time, wanting to pursue your purpose. However, it seems as if you cannot break free, and you wonder why. Every day, you find yourself dealing with difficult people with egos the size of mansions, and your patience seems to be wearing thin. Then, one day, you get the big break you have always wanted. You land the new job, open your own business, or take a new path in life that feels absolutely natural to you. All is great, right? Life is grand, until you run into a problem that must be solved so that you may continue living in the “next dimension.”

A great business opportunity has been dropped in your lap, but everyone you know is running for the hills, and you discover why: The person or people involved have absolutely intolerable personalities. Then, something occurs to you. Remember those difficult people you could not stand in the previous era of your life? Well, their behavior and the job you despised taught you how to deal with people who believe they are entitled to everything. While most people cannot even think of handling such individuals, you reach back into your history and retrieve the ability to negotiate a lucrative contract and grab hold of an opportunity that other people would have ran away from because of the insufferable personality of the individuals involved. Because of your history, you are able to thrive where others wouldn’t even be able to survive!

No matter what you were involved in, your past is preparing you for your future. Don’t hate it.

The process you endured in your history will be used in taking you to your destiny. It’s the key to the next dimension.

