Blockchain guarantees it

Published in
2 min readAug 3, 2018

One of the most attractive aspects of streaming -both for streamers and viewers — is interactive. The possibility to ask questions, give advices, encourage or criticize a person on the screen — that’s what TV was so lacking in.

That’s become so frequent, not only for expressing an opinion, but for asking streamer for something or fulfilling his request as well. So that if you are asking someone for something and promising something in return once your request is fulfilled, thus it means you are making a deal. The emergence of this opportunity brings the show into the service industry.

In common life, when people make deals, it’is usually accompanied by the issuing a contract describing the case and certified by a notary. This ensures that the parties fulfill their obligations mentioned in the contract, and the deal will achieve its purposes.

But is it real to make a deal between the streamer and the viewer? Can you be sure that the viewer will perform his promise to donate the streamer, if he completes the request? In an ideal world people trust, understand each other and never lie. But the real world is so far from ideal, and deceptions happen even among streamers.

Spectators and streamers don’t always fulfill their promises. If there is no trust — dealings collapse. The thing is that there is no the “notary” that will guarantee the execution of the contract, as well as there is no that contract to be certified.

So, we realized that it’s a time to solve this problem.

DeStream introduces a notary into the world of streaming — a blockchain and contracts with a “smart”- prefix — the implementation of which is the blockchain’s responsibility . Now the deals will be accomplished, as they are mentioned in smart contracts. And neither server, the streamer nor the viewer guarantees the contract’s execution. Only a distributed and incorruptible blockchain gives an absolute guarantee of deal’s accomplishing. You really may trust it!

So that, now we are able to implement the agreements in real terms, prescribe the parameters, determine all the conditions, formulate the contract and run the stream. The deal will be executed and the service will be provided, otherwise your money will be returned.

Blockchain guarantees it!

Blockchain guarantees it!

