Emotions and money.

How small eSports tournaments can become your prospective future

5 min readNov 19, 2019


People who are a little familiar with gaming know that good players are able to make money almost since day 1. But the numbers now and then are incomparable.

For example, if in 1998 the highest-paid gamer had $16,000 from gaming, in 2008 the “richest” gamer in the world earned $130,000. And, if you are not impressed with such progress, in 2018, a pro-Dota 2 player JerAx earned $2.29 million from only 10 tournaments he participated (not mentioning his other gaming-related incomes).

In fact, the organic development of any market involves the influx of a large number of people trying to make money. Taking into account that in 2018 only video game sales have grossed over $45B in sales, we come to a conclusion that the gaming industry is a money-making behemoth we can all benefit from.

You almost never know when the certain part of the market can become your own  financial hor of plenty.
You almost never know when the certain part of the market can become your financial “horn of plenty”.

Today there are a lot of specialized platforms created to hold gaming tournaments of different scales. Small championships are held by development studios, streaming platforms, and even by individual streamers. To participate, you don’t need to be a pro player, it’s enough to be good at the online game you love to play and find a suitable tournament.

We at DeStream clearly understand this and have made our own contribution to this interesting area of the eSports business. Regular tournaments on Dota 2 (also the auto-chess), League of Legends, Hearthstone, PUBG, etc. are held on destream.net every week. With low to medium prize pools, we get hundreds of highly engaged participants at every event.

A reasonable question comes to mind: why do players need such events?

As mentioned, the prize pools in such tournaments are not very big, but this is not their key point. The first thing about small tournaments is their convenience.

Let’s imagine a big eSports event, like The International Dota 2. The players are so highly trained as if Dota was in their veins, they spend from 12 to 18 hours daily on trainings and analysis of their rivals’ game-plans. The pro player dedicate their lives to games and prepare for such events for years, they have sponsors, producers, coaches and even massagers… The scale of such championships is enormous too: millions of dollars spent on organizing, millions of fans and spectators, huge pressure and responsibility. It is super-hard and exhausting to endure, especially for mentally unprepared participants.

Professional players invest a tremendous amount of time and effort to stay competitive

It’s different with small tournaments: you don’t have to be a robot-like killing machine that puts even his/her health on gaming trainings, motivation and passion for gaming is all you need. You don’t need a coach, and a shoulder massage is not so essential as you might think, you can just find gamers like you in your environment and take the game just a little bit more seriously. You don’t need to prepare your papers and fly to Shanghai or Seattle, you can just earn your money sitting at home. Such tournaments are held on different platforms every day. With due desire, you can do this 24/7. A hundred dollars from this one, two hundred from that one, another 50 to each player from yesterday’s two events… you get what I’m saying? Productive curiosity and regular practice are the main factors of your success here. And it is not very hard to do.

It is always better for your skills to play in a comfortable environment such as, for example, your home.

The next advantage of small tournaments is their potential.

Arguably, it’s easier to shine among good players than among the very best. Let me explain it: in every sphere being a real professional means high demand and recognition in the industry. eSports is no different. But what happens if you haven’t made it to the list yet? It will be wise to start evolving in the most relevant environment for you. And this is where small tournaments come in. These are ideal places for “lightweight” players to become renowned.

You are a player who needs a good coach to become a pro? You want to assemble your own cyber-killers team? You are a YouTube content creator? You’re a streamer? It doesn’t matter… such tournaments are made just for you. This is how you level by level, game by game gain recognition and money.

And one day, when a scout from your beloved pro eSports team will reach out to you on Facebook and your streaming channel will attract another hundred thousand subscribers, you will clearly understand what I mean.

The potent emotional background is also essential, and the name of this background is inspiration. The inspiration propels us from apathy to possibility, from an ordinary condition to a forceful one.

If you’ve ever participated in an eSports tournament, then you know, that the euphoria of such rivalry is undescribable: strong contention, a flurry of bright experiences, great tension, and the title of winner at the end — emotionally, the combination of these components is a real atomic bomb for our brains. This is the exact moment when you think “such things are worth living for”. Millions of players around the world desire to feel this explosive mix of tension and inspiration, and from this follows the ardent decision to become a pro player.

And last, but not least is the advantage of tournaments particularly on destream.net. The most important advantage of DeStream is that we are a donation platform. The players who will show good skills and will to become content creators will have high chances to get promotion from DeStream.

So, if your priority is not related to establishing a pro-gamer career, small tournaments are the best and the most available places to make money, become more skilled and stand out from a crowd of regular gamers. And if your goal is becoming popular, we will be happy to help the rising star to develop his/her potential.

And finally, let me remind you that we are DeStream — an emotional donation platform focused on providing new experiences and eliminating borders between viewers and content creators. If you’re a streamer or wish to become one, we have great tools to ease your job and help you become unique and attractive. For more information visit our website: www.destream.net

